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Event logging

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Nov 27, 2001
Hi all,

I need to have a log file where all the events doen in my VB program will be recorded with userid and date/time of the event.


Just make a public sub that opens a logfile and appends any string you want to it.

(if userid is a global variable)
Private Sub WriteLog(strEvent as String)
Open "c:\test.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, cstr(userid) & format(date(), _
"m/d/yyyy" & "test")
Close #1
End Sub

Write it as a function which returns boolean and you can can easily error check it.

(if userid is a global variable)
Private Function WriteLog(strEvent as String) AS Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

Open "c:\test.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, cstr(userid) & format(date(), _
"m/d/yyyy" & "test")
Close #1

WriteLog = True

WriteLog = False
Resume Success_Exit

End Function

Hey presto quick n easy handler

Give a man a program and tomorrow he will be hungry.
Teach a man to program and he will never hunger again.

You can let VB handle the file opening/closing bit of the log file by using the app.LogEvent command.

At the start of you program you need to call

App.StartLogging "c:\mylog.log", vbLogToFile

then when you want to log something call

App.LogEvent "String to log.", EventType

here event type can be one of the following, vbLogEventTypeError, vbLogEventTypeWarning or vbLogEventTypeInformation.

I like to keep log files in the application path, this is easy to do by using

App.StartLogging App.Path & "\mylog.log", vbLogToFile

happy logging!

Opening and closing any file on each event occurance in a program will bog down mst any / all programms. I have done this, with a few programs and decided that the app should open the log file ONCE (at the start) and close it when the app is closed. As a MINOR comment on most of the above, you should not generally use a specific file handle to open/close files, but obtain the handle through "freeFile".


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
you can also log to the system log on an nt/2000 box.

instead of using VbLogToFile use VbLogToNT then you can use the event viewer.

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