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Event ID 9098 every 5 minutes

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Apr 6, 2004
I'm running exchange 2k3 on Windows 2K3, both fresh installs .Last week I was reviewing the event log and noticed that every five minutes an event id 9097 was logged with the error 0x8004100E. I followed the MSKB article 288590 and reregistered the name space and now I get an error that reads Event ID 9098: "The MAD Monitoring thread was unable to read its configuration from the DS,error '0x80041010' " I don't know why this came out of the blue. I've seen all types of comments regarding this error with exchange 2k, but I need to know how to fix this in exchange 2k3. Thanks in advance for any help
How can I fix this and is it something I can do during the day or do I have to wait until night time when the server is less busy.
In the resolution section of the article, you are instructed to check to see if the appropriate class exists. From the error, I assume this is where you're failing. The WMI provider for exchange is Exwmi.dll, and the class is ExchangeLink. You could try reregistering the dll with regsvr32, or a reinstall of exchange. I'd try reregistering the dll first in that it is less invasive.

I ran wdemtest and used the namespace root\cimv2\applications\exchange and did a query. I found ExchangeLink, and opened it with the object editor, but I don't know where to look for Exwmi.dll. I reregistered Exwmi.dll from the command line and restarted WMI. I waited five minutes and the 9098 error showed back up. Any more ideas.
You verified your namespace, you verified the DLL, and you verified the class. At this point, you'll need to get your credit card and make the call to MS. It sucks, but that's about the only option left.

I have found something at microsoft, but I'm stuck at one step. I don't know where to find the Exchange Domain Servers group.

"Use the ADSI Edit utility to make sure that the Exchange Domain Servers group has the required permissions in Active Directory. Make sure that the "Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate this object" check box is selected on the Security tab in the Administrators group, Exchange Domain Servers group, and any other groups that are relevant to your configuration."

This is the link.
The exchange domain servers group is in AD. Look in the users folder in ADUC.
The Exchange DOmain servers groups contains the machine accounts of the exchange servers in your domain. All the All of the exchange domain servers groups [if you have more than one domain in which exchange is installed] will in turn be members of the Exchange Enterprise Servers group.
This was the solution to the problem incase it happens to anyone else.

Find the directory containing wbemcons.mof (should be something like
C:\Windows\system32\wbem) and from that directory, run:
mofcomp.exe -n:root\cimv2\applications\exchange wbemcons.mof
mofcomp.exe -n:root\cimv2\applications\exchange smtpcons.mof

That fixed the problem. Thanks for the help xmsre.
Thank again for the post! I was getting this also on my Exchange 2000 box. 9098 error. The strange is that i can not get into my Components for whatever reason to see if any COM+ packages are running.... it throws an error on the screen, but nothing in the event log.

Thanks though! Errors did go away with the above fix.

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