I am attempting to evaluate date fields and enter "----" is blank or the actual date if not.
if year({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) = 1899 then "----" else
if isnull({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) then "----" else
if {insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec} = Date(0,0,0) then "----" else
if trim(totext({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec})) = "" then "----" else
I am using the above to check various blank entries i.e null, "" or 0 however some dates although appearing blank are not getting picked up by the above formulas so the date is being returned as blankand not "----".
if year({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) = 1899 then "----" else
if isnull({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec}) then "----" else
if {insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec} = Date(0,0,0) then "----" else
if trim(totext({insurance_details.mtrl_choice_rec})) = "" then "----" else
I am using the above to check various blank entries i.e null, "" or 0 however some dates although appearing blank are not getting picked up by the above formulas so the date is being returned as blankand not "----".