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errors in mapping

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Nov 19, 2003
Hi all,

i just started working in a new company and therefore decided to do a test on my machine to see that informatica was working fine.I created a simple pass thru mapping ( flat file to flatfile).

Source ( src_txt) Flat File ( located in C:\ src_txt)


TARGET(tgt_txt) Flat File ( located in C:src_txt)

My repository is located on a unix server

I have 6.2 client running on my system

i am getting the following errors

WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8124 Target Table tgt_txt :Writing output to: /opt/informatica/powercenter/TgtFiles/tgt_txt1.out

READER_1_1_1> FR_3000 Error opening file [/opt/informatica/powercenter/SrcFiles/src_txt.txt]. Operating system error message [No such file or directory].

For some reason it is pointing to server path ie [/opt/informatica/powercenter/SrcFiles/src_txt.txt
when in effect it should point to C:\.. where the source and target files are located

I also noticed something funny.

when i preview data on the source table in the designer,it shows C:\tgt_txt and vice versa.

I had to mannually change the path to preview the data.

Any thoughts on these,please help

Here's the complete logfile

MASTER> CMN_1688 Allocated [12000000] bytes from process memory for [DTM Buffer Pool].
MASTER> PETL_24000 Parallel Pipeline Engine initializing.
MASTER> PETL_24001 Parallel Pipeline Engine running.
MASTER> PETL_24003 Initializing session run.
MAPPING> TM_6014 Initializing session [s_m_san_txt] at [Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004]

MAPPING> TM_6101 Mapping name: m_san_txt Version 1.0.0
MAPPING> CMN_1569 Server Mode: [ASCII]
MAPPING> CMN_1570 Server Codepage: [ISO 8859-1 Western European]
MAPPING> TM_6151 Session Sort Order: [Binary]
MAPPING> TM_6156 Using LOW precision decimal arithmetic
MAPPING> TM_6180 Deadlock retry logic will not be implemented.
MAPPING> TE_7022 TShmWriter: Initialized
MAPPING> TM_6007 DTM initialized successfully for session [s_m_san_txt]
MASTER> PETL_24004 Starting pre-session tasks.
MASTER> PETL_24027 Pre-session task completed successfully.
MASTER> PETL_24006 Starting data movement.
READER_1_1_1> DBG_21437 Reader: Source is a file-based source.
READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16003 Initialization completed successfully.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8124 Target Table tgt_txt :Writing output to: /opt/informatica/powercenter/TgtFiles/tgt_txt1.out
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8270 Target connection group #1 consists of target(s) [tgt_txt]
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8003 Writer initialization complete.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8005 Writer run started.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8158


Load Start Time: Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004

Target tables:


READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16007 Reader run started.
READER_1_1_1> Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004
READER_1_1_1> FR_3000 Error opening file [/opt/informatica/powercenter/SrcFiles/src_txt.txt]. Operating system error message [No such file or directory].
READER_1_1_1> Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004
READER_1_1_1> FR_3026 Error in verifying files.
READER_1_1_1> Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004
READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16004 ERROR: Prepare failed.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8333 Rolling back all the targets due to fatal session error.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8325 Final rollback executed for the target [tgt_txt] at end of load
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8035 Load complete time: Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004


WRT_8036 Target: tgt_txt (Instance Name: [tgt_txt])
WRT_8044 No data loaded for this target

WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8043 *****END LOAD SESSION*****

MASTER> PETL_24023 Thread [READER_1_1_1] created for the read stage of partition point [SQ_src_txt] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.
MASTER> PETL_24025 Thread [WRITER_1_1_1] created for the write stage of partition point(s) [tgt_txt] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.
MASTER> PETL_24021 ***** END RUN INFO *****

MASTER> PETL_24005 Starting post-session tasks.
MASTER> PETL_24028 Post-session task completed with failure.
MAPPING> TM_6020 Session [s_m_san_txt] completed at [Fri Jan 16 10:51:18 2004]
MAPPING> TM_6018 Session [s_m_san_txt] run completed with [0] row transformation errors.


MAPPING> TM_6252 Source Load Summary.
MAPPING> CMN_1740 Table: [SQ_src_txt] (Instance Name: [SQ_src_txt])
Output Rows [0], Affected Rows [0], Applied Rows [0], Rejected Rows [0]
MAPPING> TM_6253 Target Load Summary.
MAPPING> CMN_1740 Table: [tgt_txt] (Instance Name: [tgt_txt])
Output Rows [0], Affected Rows [0], Applied Rows [0], Rejected Rows [0]

MASTER> PETL_24002 Parallel Pipeline Engine finished.
MASTER> PETL_24013 Session run completed with failure.

Got it!!

the source and target files have to be in src and direct target directory.
You have to place your flat file in some directory in the Informatica server and not on your PC Client. And put the proper path and file name at sources and targets. This solves your problem. If you have further questions, let me know.
If you use the proper path indication it is perfectly possible to write , for instance, from server to another server. Of course these have to be in a network and be able to recognize each other (mapping)
This should equally well work with PC's if the network supports it and you have the proper path.......

T. Blom
Information analyst
MASTER> CMN_1688 Allocated [12000000] bytes from process memory for [DTM Buffer Pool].
MASTER> PETL_24000 Parallel Pipeline Engine initializing.
MASTER> PETL_24001 Parallel Pipeline Engine running.
MASTER> PETL_24003 Initializing session run.
MAPPING> TM_6014 Initializing session [s_M_compare_source07July] at [Wed Jul 07 02:02:30 2004]

MAPPING> TM_6101 Mapping name: M_compare_source Version 1.0.0
MAPPING> TM_6103 Repository name: KM_Test
MAPPING> TM_6104 DB user name: scott
MAPPING> TM_6105 Connect string: iasdb
MAPPING> TM_6106 PM user name: harsh

MAPPING> CMN_1569 Server Mode: [ASCII]
MAPPING> CMN_1570 Server Codepage: [MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin1]
MAPPING> TM_6151 Session Sort Order: [Binary]
MAPPING> TM_6156 Using LOW precision decimal arithmetic
MAPPING> TM_6180 Deadlock retry logic will not be implemented.
MAPPING> TE_7022 TShmWriter: Initialized
MAPPING> CMN_1245 PM_EVENT: DTM: Failure recovery disabled by user
MAPPING> TM_6007 DTM initialized successfully for session [s_M_compare_source07July]
MASTER> PETL_24004 Starting pre-session tasks.
MASTER> PETL_24006 Starting data movement.
READER_1_1_1> DBG_21437 Reader: Source is a file-based source.
READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16003 Initialization completed successfully.
WRITER_1_1_1> DBG_21613 Writer: Target is relational DB
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8148 Writer: Target is database [iasdb.igts], user [scott], bulk mode [N/A]
WRITER_1_1_1> CMN_1246 PM_EVENT: Writer: Failure recovery disabled by user
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8124 Target Table R_source :SQL INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO R_source(no1,country_Code,country_Name,product_code,counts,country_code1,country_code2,continent1,continent2,date1,cont) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8020 No column marked as primary key for table [R_source]. UPDATEs Not Supported.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8003 Writer initialization complete.
READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16007 Reader run started.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8005 Writer run started.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8158


Load Start Time: Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004

Target tables:


WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8161
TARGET BASED COMMIT POINT Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004

WRT_8036 Target: R_source (Instance Name: [R_source])
WRT_8044 No data loaded for this target

READER_1_1_1> Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004
READER_1_1_1> FR_3000 Error opening file [\program files\informatica\PowerCenter Server\SrcFiles\C:\compare_files\input\loc_dim_tst1.unl]. Operating system error message [Invalid argument].
READER_1_1_1> Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004
READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16004 ERROR: Prepare failed.
WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8035 Load complete time: Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004


WRT_8036 Target: R_source (Instance Name: [R_source])
WRT_8044 No data loaded for this target

WRITER_1_1_1> WRT_8043 *****END LOAD SESSION*****
MASTER> PETL_24005 Starting post-session tasks.
MAPPING> TE_11039 No statistics computed for SQ->Target pipeline
MAPPING> TM_6020 Session [s_M_compare_source07July] completed at [Wed Jul 07 02:02:32 2004]
MAPPING> TM_6018 Session [s_M_compare_source07July] run completed with [0] row transformation errors.


MAPPING> CMN_1537 Table: [R_source] (Instance Name: [R_source])
Rows Output [0], Rows Applied [0], Rows Rejected[0]

MASTER> PETL_24002 Parallel Pipeline Engine finished.
MASTER> PETL_24013 Session run completed with failure.
above is log my generated when I run the session in informatica. I know that problem is(not sure) because source(flat file) is placed on client machine , not on the source dir on the server.
my question is
1. if i don't have access to server , how can I move data from text file to rdms.
2. if possible explanation of each line in the log file

Most databases have either import or load facilities to load flatfiles to a new database table. Your DBA can help you with that.

I think it would be best to look into the error log of the operating system for possible cause of failure...

T. Blom
Information analyst
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Part and Inventory Search

