This problem has me stumped....I've tried everything in my bag of tricks and everything has failed.
I have a client (ok, my boyfriend's work) who have the Coldfusion MX Developer version 7,0,0,91690.
I am trying to read a file that is located in the same folder as the file that is calling it. This is the code:
<cffile action="READ" file="\\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm" variable="TextInput">
I wrote this code on a different server (ok, my work) and it worked perfectly. But on the crunch server it throws this error:
An error occurred when performing a file operation READ on file \\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm.
The cause of this exception was: \\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm (Access is denied).
I have tried referring to it by its IP address, I have enabled the security (I'm not running 7 at my work, so its a bit different), but either on or off it still throws the error except sometimes it starts with 'security:'. I have given the user 'system' full control of the folder/files. I have tried reading a .txt and .cfm file and they also throw an error.
I convinced them to use CF, and now weeks later, the code is still not up and running and I'm looking and feeling like a fool. :-(
Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems to be a network/security issue and that's out of my league....
I have a client (ok, my boyfriend's work) who have the Coldfusion MX Developer version 7,0,0,91690.
I am trying to read a file that is located in the same folder as the file that is calling it. This is the code:
<cffile action="READ" file="\\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm" variable="TextInput">
I wrote this code on a different server (ok, my work) and it worked perfectly. But on the crunch server it throws this error:
An error occurred when performing a file operation READ on file \\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm.
The cause of this exception was: \\crunch\Ascent\Magazine.tpm (Access is denied).
I have tried referring to it by its IP address, I have enabled the security (I'm not running 7 at my work, so its a bit different), but either on or off it still throws the error except sometimes it starts with 'security:'. I have given the user 'system' full control of the folder/files. I have tried reading a .txt and .cfm file and they also throw an error.
I convinced them to use CF, and now weeks later, the code is still not up and running and I'm looking and feeling like a fool. :-(
Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems to be a network/security issue and that's out of my league....