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Error When Logging On to Citrix servers

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Nov 16, 2000
Hi there. Have a question that the techs who installed the citrix server can't seem to answer. I hope this info helps...I have two Citrix servers for load balancing. Licensing should not be an issue. This is an intermittent problem.. OK here goes :) We have two labs. When logging in sometime we get a message "cannot connect to citrix server. There is no route to the specified subnet address" The people who installed the servers are blaming it on network traffic. However I can reproduce this error when all the students are gone home and I only have 15 machines logged in. Sometimes we can log on more...sometimes less. I am using Citrix meta frame for windows NT server 4.0 Terminal Edition. The labs are using Tandy 486/25 with Win95. We are using the Novell client to initially log on to the citrix server. If anyone needs more info....I'll try and get it for you. Thanks in advance
Do you know if the servers are situated on the same subnet as the client workstations? Are the two servers situated on the same subnet? I have encountered this problem before, and at that time it was due to an improperly configured ICA gateway between two servers on seperate subnets.
You're on the right lines, ruster. This message is generated when the client cannot find its way to a Citrix server, and is pretty much generic.

The first thing to check is the network - especially if your clients are on different subnets to the Citrix servers.

I found in one istallation that having 802.3 enabled in the Novell settings would cause this.

It may help to put either the name or the IP address of the Master Browser in the Default server location.

I hope this helps
hello CitrixEngineer,

I get the same error, but it's only on one machine in the company, and it is on the same domain and subnet as the others. We reinstalled citrix client, but it doesn't help.
the online demo on the citrix site gives the same error.
on the machine everything else works, internet, mail, everything.What can be the problem?

thanks in advance.
Roberti - do you mean a server or client machine?

If it's a client, try pinging the Citrix box and look at the response times.

On a LAN, if you see times of 200ms + this is worth investigating. In my experience, times of 400ms + over a WAN connection are perfectly acceptable.

Check the network settings of the client - WINS, DNS, etc. If you have a Novell client, try removing 802.3. Make sure Windows 9x clients are not set to become Master Browser for the IP network (this is enabled by default!).

I hope this helps

It's a client, and we are using winnt 4.0,and we don't use novell.the network settings should be ok. where can you select the option for the master browser?
and what do you exactly mean by the 'citrix box'?


Sorry - force of habit! I often refer to the servers as "boxes".

The checkbox for master browser is in the network configuration tabs on a Windows 9x PC. I can't remember if it even exists in NT Workstation, but I've never seen this issue with NT workstation, since server always take preference anyway. Windows 9x doesn't seem to care!

Does the issue seem to happen after approximately 15 users are logged in? Is it possible that you have many users accessing a single share point on an NT server? This is related to a separate issue that I have seen a few times.

As far as the NT PC is concerned, try removing 802.3 from the Novell client settings.

Try also entering either the name or IP address of the Citrix Master Browser server.

I hope this helps


No it happens always, it doesn't matter how many users are logged on.
and how do i get de ip adress of the master browser?

Thanks for the help.
From within a Citrix session or on a Citrix server, go to a cmd prompt and type qserver. At the end of the columns of information (next to the IP addresses) will be either a letter M, denoting Master Browser, a letter B, denoting Backup Browser or nothing.

The first column shows the names of the Citrix Servers.

Since Metaframe depends on one server being configured as a Master Browser for its ICA protocol, there must be one!

I omitted to say that the Name or IP address should be entered in the Server Location field in the client.

Hope this helps.
Don't know if this will help or not, I ran into the same problem with my Citrix box, I had enough licenses for Citrix (15 users) but I kept getting the same error message. I finally checked all licensing and come to find out my Windows NT Terminal Server License cound didn't match my Ctirix count so it wouldn't allow the entire 15 users to log in. I matched my Windows NT Terminal Server license to my Citrix License and everything has been running fine for about a year now. Like I said this may not help but it's worth a check.

Sobak.....that was are problem!! Thanks bunches. We are working fine now with no log on problems.
Glad I could be of assistance, I'll be the first to say I'm no expert when it comes to Citrix, I can only relate my experiences to others. Makes me feel good that I can contribute a little back to such a wonderful forum. Let me know if you have any questions.

Nice one, sobak!

I've been working with Citrix products for nearly 5 years now - and it just goes to show that even the long in the tooth like me can miss stuff!

Keep up the good work - this is a great site, made great by its members. :)
hello CitrixEngineer,

I forgot to tell that we connect to a nfuse session through a web browser. so there is no cmd prompt.
If I don't find a solution before wednesday were going to format the computer and start from scratch. ;)

If you publish a desktop then you could get to a cmd prompt via the browser.

Or you could get to it via one of Microsoft's many "back doors" ;-)

I guess if you needed an answer by wednesday, then it's a little late!

I've just come back from MetaFrame XP training. :)I

I used to have this problem as well and thought it was a network issue all the time but it wasn't.
Unfortunately, we hadn't gotten our Terminal services licenses from MS within 90 days so one of our servers expired but most users could still log on to it. This was becuase they were using a win2k pro PC and didn't need to have a TS Client access licenses issued to them upon logon. But all the win98 users got "no route to specified subnet"...error.
Good luck!
Cheers Sobak,
I've also had this problem for months. I've now increased the licenses and am having no trouble.

Thanks Very Much :-D
Greeting Sobak,
I've also the similar problem this morning. After checking the event vier, found that it's related with TS licencing. Thanks so much.
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