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Error on Page

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Nov 28, 2006
I caused this error on our development server because I wanted to see how and what information would be given regarding such an error. This is what it gave:

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator

On our server it doesn't do that, it gives a lot more info like the line the errors is on and the part of the line where it started. My question is how do I set the server up so that when there is an error on our ASP page it shows the details of the error. I already changed it in the browser and it still does the same thing.
This is what it looks like on the server and how I needed to to do on the development server so I can track errors. Any help would be great

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/clients/test/index.asp, line 18

You can use the IIS Admin tool from to enable the server to show detailed messages. Also you're browser may have a "show friendly errors" selected under tha advanced options.

Actually, on a dev server, I find it very helpful to use a custom 500 page to catch general errors and give a bunch of info.. obviously you dont want this on the production server since some of the info might be private but it helps debug.

Here is a link about creating a custom 500 ASP :

If you google it you might find some even better examples.

One thing I like to do on my custom 500 is dump the entire Request.QueryString and Request.Form to screen and then everything in Request.QueryVariables at the bottom for good measure.
Thanks Sheco

The operating system for the development server visa and win 2003 on the main server. I have the errors set to details but it still shows the same error with no information. Frustrating because the other server does it automaticly and I do hae the browser show friendly errors un checked. I would like to do this without the link above unless I just got to. Any thing you think I am over looking?
Can't get the custom error to work right. This is IIS 7.0 to.
I got it here is the fix by default the IIS 7.0 turns the send error to browser function off. Run this command:

%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:asp -scriptErrorSentToBrowser:true

or go to your UI under asp properties and set the "send error to browser" = True

Later and thanks
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