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Error Msg: database needs to be repaired

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Aug 14, 2002
I have a customer that has gotten the following error message while using their multiuser Access 2000 database.

The database "G:\MASTER SCHOOL DATABASE.MDB" needs to be repaired or isn't a database file.
You or another user may have unexpectedly quit Microsoft Access while a Microsoft Access database was open.
Do you want Microsoft Access to attempt to repair the database?

Now, I have two users set up - Admin and Coord. Most users are accessing the database as Coord, whereas some of them are accessing using Admin. I have repaired the database with NO issues so far, but this has happened TWICE today so far.

Now, I have gone through my security settings and changed the option under Admin for the database to NOT be able to OPEN EXCLUSIVE - that was checked earlier. Could this have been the problem?

--Matthew Hansel
YOu maay need to open the database pessimistically. What that does is not allow any user to even see a record that is being viewed by another. Is sounds like two users are trying to save data in the same slot and the db is opened optimistically.

Rollie E
Alright - now how do we do that then? We have about 10 people going into this database at one time. Let me know.

I copied this right out of HELP after asking about RECORDSET...

Global rstSuppliers As ADODB.Recordset
Sub MakeRW()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Suppliers"
Set rstSuppliers = New ADODB.Recordset
rstSuppliers.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rstSuppliers.Open "Select * From Suppliers", _
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Set Forms("Suppliers").Recordset = rstSuppliers
Forms("Suppliers").UniqueTable = "Suppliers"
End Sub

When you had EXCLUSIVE set you kept all users from the entire database. I believe this one only keeps the record in question froom the other users.

I hope this helps!!!

Rollie E
That adLockOptimistic would be Pessimistic, of course.

Sorry about that!
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