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Error loading OS on booting 486

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Dec 18, 2001
I'm trying to get a donated 486-based computer to run either WIN95 or Linux. On boot-up, I get the message "486 Modular BIOS Vers. 4.23" and "Zeos International 300110-000". The memory checks pass (8M), the floppy drive spins, there's a long (1.5 second) beep, the screen goes black, I get the message "Error Loading OS", and the boot sequence stops.
Since the computer is donated, there is no documentation about the hardware. The doner says they were running Win3.1 but doesn't recall when it last worked.
I'd appreciate suggestions on what to try next or references to FAQs/tips pages on recovering old computers. My son and I have been given several old computers and we're trying to get them running well enough to donate to the families and charity organizations sponsored by our church.
Thanks in advance...and Happy New Year.
You don't say whether or not it will boot off a clean floppy system disk...? Does the BIOS detect the hard drive? Can you hear the hard drive spinning up? If it will boot off a floppy, try running FDISK and see what is reported about the hard drive.

The error message indicates that it is not a hardware problem. It's a failure of the bootstrap program to find an operating system. I have never seen that particular message but I have to assume Zeos made their own BIOS. After checking the hard drive with fdisk (and I'd use a DOS boot disk if you have one)make sure the partition is active, though that's not the message you'd get if it wasn't. Then try using sys.com to install the DOS os. Type
sys c:Then remove the diskette and reboot. The os should be installed and the boot will occur. Don Swayser
Even if I have a bootable floppy in the drive, I get the same error message. I must be overlooking something, but I'm not sure what.
Hmm. If it's doing the exact same thing with the boot disk as without, I wonder if it's even checking for a disk there. Can you get into BIOS? If you can see if you can set the boot order to check the floppy drive first. It might be going straight to the HD and it is inoperable, or doesn't have an OS.
When you have the boot disk in the floppy drive, does it give and signs that it is reading the floppy disk (floppy drive light turns on, sound of head engaging and spinning the disk, etc)
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