I have an interesting conundrum. I am parsing some data reading it as strings and turning it to integers and using it in the program. My data looked good, it was all numbers but it kept creating an error saying the numbers were in the wrong format. When I formatted the data in excel to number format with enough decimal places it works fine.
I want to create a handle, preferably to fix the data and use it anyway, but I'm not entirely sure what the problem or why it is a problem. So I'm not sure how to fix it. Here is the sub as currently written.
Thanks for the help
I want to create a handle, preferably to fix the data and use it anyway, but I'm not entirely sure what the problem or why it is a problem. So I'm not sure how to fix it. Here is the sub as currently written.
Public Sub CreateBotSurfaceSpline( byRef strDir as String, transform As Transform, byRef lineChord as Line, _
byRef lineTE as Line, byRef counter as Integer )
' Import spline2 using points from file
Dim strTFileName As String = "S" & counter & "BOT.dat"
Dim fileExist As Boolean
Dim splinePoints( -1 ) As Point
Dim botSpline As Spline
Dim readLine As String
Dim count As Integer
Dim strings As String ()
fileExist = true
sr = File.OpenText( strDir & "\" & strTFileName )
Catch 'E As Exception
fileExist = false
End Try
' If then statement, if spline file exists continue, if it does not, exit SubRoutine
If fileExist = True
' Read Line, parse line, translate points, and place points in an array
readLine = sr.ReadLine()
count = 0
While Not readLine is Nothing
Dim pt1 As Point3d
Dim pt2 as Point3d
strings = readLine.Split( vbTab )
pt1.x = Double.Parse(strings(0))
pt1.y = Double.Parse(strings(1))
pt1.z = Double.Parse(strings(2))
MessageBox.Show( "Spline data file " & strTFileName & " must be tab deliminted. and located in " _
& strDir, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error )
Exit Sub
End Try
pt2 = Transform.Apply( New Point3d( pt1.x, pt1.y, pt1.z ))
MessageBox.Show( "File data needs to be in full numerical format, no special characters.", _
"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error )
Exit Sub
End Try
' Create an array of points, each array value containing a single point
ReDim Preserve SplinePoints(count)
SplinePoints(count) = workPart.Points.createPoint(pt2)
' Increase count value by 1, Read the next line of the file and continue While statement
count = count + 1
readLine = sr.ReadLine()
End While
End Try
' Place spline
CreateSketchSpline( splinePoints, botSpline )
' Constrain botSpline to Uniform Scale
Dim conGeom1 As Sketch.ConstraintGeometry
conGeom1.Geometry = botSpline
conGeom1.PointType = Sketch.ConstraintPointType.None
conGeom1.SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0
Dim sketchGeometricConstraint1 As SketchGeometricConstraint
sketchGeometricConstraint1 = theSession.ActiveSketch.CreateUniformScaledConstraint(conGeom1)
' Constrain Botspline startpoint to be coincident with lineChord startpoint
Dim geom1_1 As Sketch.ConstraintGeometry
geom1_1.Geometry = BotSpline
geom1_1.PointType = Sketch.ConstraintPointType.EndVertex
geom1_1.SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0
Dim geom2_1 As Sketch.ConstraintGeometry
geom2_1.Geometry = lineChord
geom2_1.PointType = Sketch.ConstraintPointType.StartVertex
geom2_1.SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0
Dim sketchGeometricConstraint2 As SketchGeometricConstraint
sketchGeometricConstraint2 = theSession.ActiveSketch.CreateCoincidentConstraint(geom1_1, geom2_1)
' Constrain botSpline endpoint to be coincident with lineTE StartPoing
Dim geom1_2 As Sketch.ConstraintGeometry
geom1_2.Geometry = botSpline
geom1_2.PointType = Sketch.ConstraintPointType.StartVertex
geom1_2.SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0
Dim geom2_2 As Sketch.ConstraintGeometry
geom2_2.Geometry = lineTE
geom2_2.PointType = Sketch.ConstraintPointType.StartVertex
geom2_2.SplineDefiningPointIndex = 0
Dim sketchGeometricConstraint3 As SketchGeometricConstraint
sketchGeometricConstraint3 = theSession.ActiveSketch.CreateCoincidentConstraint(geom1_2, geom2_2)
End If
End Sub
Thanks for the help