Hello proffeciolals!
I have trouble with creating service application. I used TServiceApplication in my project. Also I need to show my form with status of work (It is usual TForm).
In more details:
1. I have usual application. Some forms...
2. I need to do my application as Service NT.
3. I was create the new service application in Delphi 5.
4. Add all my modules to the new application.
5. Set value of Interactive to TRUE in TService module.
6. Compile module
7. Install My Service.
8. Run it.
It is work by some time is crashed without any exception or messages. My service run as system service and i can not to debug it... But i don`t know when my new application will crashed!!! The program log is can say three message:
- The command is soccefull execute.
- Class not found
- empty
I think that it is my error in my application but... My application without service work excellent without errors!!!
I insert into all procedures the commant which write when procedure begin of executing and when end executing.
So i will have interesting result!!! After crashing my all procedures is done... But apllication is die.
My next step was add it is procedures into forms.pas (Borland module). After it my hair is UP. Some time a have 50 not ended procedures from it is module... One of them "procedure TCustomForm.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);"
Please help me!!!!
I have trouble with creating service application. I used TServiceApplication in my project. Also I need to show my form with status of work (It is usual TForm).
In more details:
1. I have usual application. Some forms...
2. I need to do my application as Service NT.
3. I was create the new service application in Delphi 5.
4. Add all my modules to the new application.
5. Set value of Interactive to TRUE in TService module.
6. Compile module
7. Install My Service.
8. Run it.
It is work by some time is crashed without any exception or messages. My service run as system service and i can not to debug it... But i don`t know when my new application will crashed!!! The program log is can say three message:
- The command is soccefull execute.
- Class not found
- empty
I think that it is my error in my application but... My application without service work excellent without errors!!!
I insert into all procedures the commant which write when procedure begin of executing and when end executing.
So i will have interesting result!!! After crashing my all procedures is done... But apllication is die.
My next step was add it is procedures into forms.pas (Borland module). After it my hair is UP. Some time a have 50 not ended procedures from it is module... One of them "procedure TCustomForm.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);"
Please help me!!!!