I am getting one of two error codes from a vbs file when the task scheduler in Windows Server 2003 tries to run it. The file is used to generate several different sales reports at night. The reports will still generate if someone is there to press ok within a certain amount of time on the alert that pops up. If the reports do not run at night they need manually run in the morning. The section of code causing the error is as follows:
function getURL(url)
if left(url,7)<>" then url=" url
set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
x.Open "GET",url,true
for n = 1 to 15
If x.readyState = 4 then exit for
'While x.ReadyState <> 4
x.waitForResponse 180000 --line that causes error
getURL = x.responseText
end function
The error code changes depending on the code. with the IF statement and FOR loop, the error code is 8000000a. With the While loop the error code is 80072EF1. Everything I have read has said these errors have to do with SUS updates. Any ideas on how to make the error go away? Thanks.
function getURL(url)
if left(url,7)<>" then url=" url
set x = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
x.Open "GET",url,true
for n = 1 to 15
If x.readyState = 4 then exit for
'While x.ReadyState <> 4
x.waitForResponse 180000 --line that causes error
getURL = x.responseText
end function
The error code changes depending on the code. with the IF statement and FOR loop, the error code is 8000000a. With the While loop the error code is 80072EF1. Everything I have read has said these errors have to do with SUS updates. Any ideas on how to make the error go away? Thanks.