Hello all,
[TAB]As probably implied by the subject, I'm having problems with this error in a script I'm trying to run. More specifically these lines:
[TAB]No GetObject fails. I get the error in the .MoveHere method. If I was failing while binding, I'd be ok, I'd know it was a typo. But the thing is the GetObject works, using the same string as a Distinguished Name as the .MoveHere.
Of notice: I've also tested using "OU=Computers" in the objTestBind line, but it says there's no such object.
I hope someone can help me with this.
[TAB]As probably implied by the subject, I'm having problems with this error in a script I'm trying to run. More specifically these lines:
for each objComp in objOU
set objOUmoveTo = GetObject("LDAP://OU=" & strType & ",OU=XX" & strCompSite & strOUmoveTo)
set objTestBind = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" & & ",CN=Computers,DC=test,DC=com")
objOUmoveTo.MoveHere "LDAP://CN=" & & ",CN=Computers,DC=test,DC=com", vbNullString
[TAB]No GetObject fails. I get the error in the .MoveHere method. If I was failing while binding, I'd be ok, I'd know it was a typo. But the thing is the GetObject works, using the same string as a Distinguished Name as the .MoveHere.
Of notice: I've also tested using "OU=Computers" in the objTestBind line, but it says there's no such object.
I hope someone can help me with this.