Still trying to debug the following code and getting error messages. Complies ok when I try to run it pops up error message. Can anyone help?
Error line appears on db.execute sSQL. Is asking for a missing operator in SQL statement.
Thanx a mil%-)
Still trying to debug the following code and getting error messages. Complies ok when I try to run it pops up error message. Can anyone help?
Function AuditEditBegin(sTable As String, sAudTmpTable As String, sKeyField As String, _
lngKeyValue As Long, bWasNewRecord As Boolean) As Boolean
'On Error GoTo Err_AuditEditBegin
'Purpose: Write a copy of the old values to temp table.
' It is then copied to the true audit table in AuditEditEnd.
'Arugments: sTable = name of table being audited.
' sAudTmpTable = name of the temp audit table.
' sKeyField = name of the AutoNumber field.
' lngKeyValue = Value of the AutoNumber field.
' bWasNewRecord = True if this was a new insert.
'Return: True if successful
'Usage: Called in form's BeforeUpdate event. Example:
' bWasNewRecord = Me.NewRecord
' Call AuditEditBegin("tblInvoice", "audTmpInvoice", "InvoiceID", Me.InvoiceID, bWasNewRecord)
Dim db As DAO.Database ' Current database
Dim sSQL As String
'Remove any cancelled update still in the tmp table.
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
sSQL = "DELETE FROM" & sAudTmpTable & ";"
db.Execute sSQL
' If this was not a new record, save the old values.
If Not bWasNewRecord Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO" & sAudTmpTable & " ( audType, audDate, audUser ) " & _
"SELECT 'EditFrom' AS Expr1, Now() AS Expr2, NetworkUserName() AS Expr3, " & sTable & ".* " & _
"FROM " & sTable & "WHERE (" & sTable & "." & sKeyField & " = " & lngKeyValue & ");"
db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End If
AuditEditBegin = True
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
End Function
Error line appears on db.execute sSQL. Is asking for a missing operator in SQL statement.
Thanx a mil%-)