I am working on a tool to hare data in my department.
The tool is working fine for me and some colleagues, but for others it is not working. The error code is -2147467259, and the description mentions that the file is already opened exclusively by another user (which is not the case).
The interface is in HTML, using VBscript connecting to Access 2003, working in a terminal server environment.
All users have a change access to the folder where code and data are located. Users that cannot use the tool don't have MS Access in their profile.
Here is one of the connectionstring I used. I tried ODBC connection, with or without password, among others. I didn't try to use a worgroup file but really not sure it would help anyway.
Does someone have an idea on what could be the cause of the problem ? Any suggestion is welcome... I am a bit lost...
I am working on a tool to hare data in my department.
The tool is working fine for me and some colleagues, but for others it is not working. The error code is -2147467259, and the description mentions that the file is already opened exclusively by another user (which is not the case).
The interface is in HTML, using VBscript connecting to Access 2003, working in a terminal server environment.
All users have a change access to the folder where code and data are located. Users that cannot use the tool don't have MS Access in their profile.
Here is one of the connectionstring I used. I tried ODBC connection, with or without password, among others. I didn't try to use a worgroup file but really not sure it would help anyway.
Set conDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strReadPath & "Data\LastMonth.mdb; Jet Oledb:Database Password=dashboard;"
conDB.Open dbStr
Does someone have an idea on what could be the cause of the problem ? Any suggestion is welcome... I am a bit lost...