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ERD error message!

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Mar 25, 2001

Hi, everyone:

I try to make some emergency repair disks for my NT4 servers. I ran into several error message. There is one says the registry info can not copy into the floppy disk. Another one says there is not enough disk space on my disk. The disk is new and I just re-formatted it. I am so new to the computer world, any suggestions would be really, really appreciated.

You might try to do a rdisk /s-
first. That will create a repair disk in your winnt directory... Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Check in Winnt\repair directory and see if the total size of the files in there exceed the capacity of a floppy ( 1.4Mb ). I think you will find that the software file is quite large. Try moving this file from the directory temporarily then create the ERD.
When you go for the ERD, NT updates the repair info in the "repair" directory of the systemroot. The repair info is actually the registry hives in compressed format. It then asks for a disk, formats it and copies the info on it.

If the info exceeds the capacity of the disk, it says so. Normally the software._ file is largest of all; not allowing it to fit into the disk. If that's the case you are having, you have two options:

1. Somehow, create more space on the disk, use any utility.
2. Uninstall useless software, and lighten the registry.

Hope it helps.


PS: If you are a safe player like me, always create two ERDs. Never rely on a single floppy disk.

Can I just delete all the file under repair folder and then us rdisk /s- command to re-create them?

Yes indeed Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Yes, you can. Use just "Rdisk.exe" if it isn't a domain controller and it will create a smaller ERD. The "/s" switch adds security info comprising sam._, security._, default._ and it should only be used with the domain controllers to secure the domain security info.

On all other servers use "Rdisk.exe" without any switch and it create five files viz: autoexec.nt, config.nt, ntuser.da_, software._, system._.

Goodluck BMW!


When i go command prompt, type "rdisk", it will always prompt for user interaction to select "update" or "create".
I need to create a scheduled script for this.
How can I achieve this by maybe....rdisk /[options]?

Another question is the software is always the largest file and can't be saved to the diskette. Thus, I thought of saving all the files into repair folder using "rdisk /s" (but, it will still prompt me whether i want to create a erd).
How can I do rdisk without user interaction?

Thanks in advance!
To be honest i don't think their is a way as it will always prompt if you want to make an ERD

You might need to disable your anti virus real time protection while creating the RDISK.
Some products like NAVCE will silently disable the formatting of the floppy disk, and this will generate a false error message from RDISK that will say that the diskette is bad.

Yizhar Hurwitz
rdisk /s- will run without prompting... --------------------------------------------------------------------
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