Do you like a challenge then here it is.
I am attempting to add a shift pattern to a holiday, course, etc spreadsheet. The shifts are Days, Evenings and Nights.
The Excel book has 12 tabs, one for each month of the year.
Cells A1-A3 on each spreadsheet are joined and have a controlling date for that month.
Cell B1 has the days title and, for Jan, the 31 cells to the right contain the relevant day of the week.
Cell B2 is the date title with again the 31 cells to the right containing the relevant date.
Cells to the right of B1 and B2 self populate when a date is placed in A1-A3 in the format 1/1/2008.
I have created a conditional format to add some gray verticle lines for Saturday and Sunday and again these update automatically when the year is changed.
Now the difficult part.
In Cell B3 is the shift title with the 31 cells to the right available to place the required shift. My difficulty is creating a formula that places the shift title in the required cells to the right of B3 and :
1. Checks what day it is.
2. Checks what the previous week's shift was.
3. Joins the cells for that week and adds text.
4. And also checks to see if the week carries over to the following month and correctly adds the text for that shift. For example if a day shift carries over by two days then the title days would have to be sited on the first three days and also on the two days of the following week.
I hope you are able to follow my description. This is a lot to ask for but some clever person will I'm sure come up with the answer.
I thank you in advance
Do you like a challenge then here it is.
I am attempting to add a shift pattern to a holiday, course, etc spreadsheet. The shifts are Days, Evenings and Nights.
The Excel book has 12 tabs, one for each month of the year.
Cells A1-A3 on each spreadsheet are joined and have a controlling date for that month.
Cell B1 has the days title and, for Jan, the 31 cells to the right contain the relevant day of the week.
Cell B2 is the date title with again the 31 cells to the right containing the relevant date.
Cells to the right of B1 and B2 self populate when a date is placed in A1-A3 in the format 1/1/2008.
I have created a conditional format to add some gray verticle lines for Saturday and Sunday and again these update automatically when the year is changed.
Now the difficult part.
In Cell B3 is the shift title with the 31 cells to the right available to place the required shift. My difficulty is creating a formula that places the shift title in the required cells to the right of B3 and :
1. Checks what day it is.
2. Checks what the previous week's shift was.
3. Joins the cells for that week and adds text.
4. And also checks to see if the week carries over to the following month and correctly adds the text for that shift. For example if a day shift carries over by two days then the title days would have to be sited on the first three days and also on the two days of the following week.
I hope you are able to follow my description. This is a lot to ask for but some clever person will I'm sure come up with the answer.
I thank you in advance