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Enlarge image with onMouseOver handler

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May 17, 2002
Hi I need help with onMouseOver event handler.
I have s list of images (in the for loop) that has link to other page on each image. When a cursor points to a certain image (i.e. image #1) I need to enlarge the image size a little bit and return to original image size when the cursor leave the image.
Can anybody show me how to do this? Thanks.

Below if the code fractions that lists images with link. No onMouseOver function yet since I don't have a clue on how to do it. The codes below will display 4 images per row.

<table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;366&quot; style=&quot;font-family: SansSerif; font-size: 10pt&quot;>
<td height=&quot;21&quot; style=&quot;font-size: 10pt&quot;>
<script language=&quot;javascript1.2&quot;>
for (i=1;i<carname.length;i++) {
if ((i%4)==1) {document.writeln('<tr>');}
document.write('<td width=&quot;142&quot; height=&quot;130&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;>');
document.write('<a href=&quot;adc_detail.html?car=' + i + '&quot;><p align=&quot;center&quot;>');
document.write('<img border=&quot;0&quot; src=&quot;images/' + carimg + '&quot; width=&quot;123&quot; height=&quot;98&quot;></a><br>');
document.write('<center>' + carname+ '</center></p></td>');
if ((i%4)==0 || (i==carname.length)) {document.write('</tr>');}
} // end for statement.

Thanks a bunch in advance.
Try this, Cote.

This is the line which writes the image. It resizes the image to 500 by 500.

document.write('<img border=&quot;0&quot; src=&quot;images/' + carimg + '&quot; width=&quot;123&quot; height=&quot;98&quot; onMouseOver=&quot;this.height=500; this.width=500;&quot; onMouseOut=&quot;this.height=123; this.width=98;&quot;></a><br>');

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the answer but it doesn't work it only work in IE but not in Netscape.

My client change their request. They want to have another image displayed onMouseOver instead of resizing the image.
I need it urgently. My deadline is tomorrow.

<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>

function ImgChange(ImgName, ImgFile){
.src = ImgFile;

function loadImages() {
// Preloads your images when the page loads, instead of when they are accessed
// to stop there being a delay when you mouseover the picture. Add all of the
// mouseover pictures to the array below.
var yourImages = new Array(&quot;img1.gif&quot;, &quot;img2.gif&quot;)
var preImages = new Array()
for (i = 0; i < yourImages.length; i++) {
preImages = new Image();
preImages.src = yourImages

<body onload=&quot;laodImages()&quot;>
<IMG border=0 name=home src=img1.gif width=20 height=20 onmouseout=ImgChange('home','img1.gif') onmouseover=ImgChange('home','img2.gif')>
Sorry, I made a mistake in that code. Where it says &quot;preImages.src = yourImages&quot;, it should read &quot;preImages.src = yourImages(i)&quot;
I tried your code but it still doesn't work in Netscape.
I'm very desperate now!
Sorry, misspelt the function name in the onload of the body tag as well. I'll just get my jacket now...
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