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encrypted logins

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Jul 29, 2001
Hi... I wish to put a log in screen in my project where the passwords are kept securely in a database(with the passwords encrypted already) and allow the user(after they log in) to change their password.

And apart from that is there any way that the login can detect if there is previous users that have already got their userID and passwords. how is this done?

And can the database entries be protected so that it can't be altered in any way or records cannot be deleted unless deleted by the user itself?

I've got lots of Questions in my mind and i'm really in need of this.

I've tried reading on materials regarding encryption but i just don't really understand the codes. I just need a simple source that allows the above to be done.

Thanks to all in advanced.
hmm... is there anyone at all who knows how this can be done..?
I implemented something like this in my database:

I when a user logs in, it generates a random alpha sequence.
It is only at this point that the userid and passwords are checked (if not, it won't create the alpha sequence and won't let the user log in). the alpha sequence will act as a security code and will identify the user. Each user will have a different access code.
If the login is successfull, the security code is saved in the database in the user's record as well as stored in the program in a variable.
Then, in your program, when you wish validate the user, simply compare the security code with the one in the database. if they are the same, the user is authenticated.

I used this form of security on my webpages, which will prevent sniffers from getting the user's password via the links and cgi calls within the webpages.
Also, this way the password is only sent once between the user and the server, so that interception is kept at a minimum.
However, this might not be a viable solution for applications.

Take Care,

<a href=&quot; target=&quot;top&quot;><img border=0 src= Take Care,
Hmm... yeas that's practically wat i planned but the random alpha sequence generation is something i haven't thought of... hmm..do u have any example or any source u can provide that might be useful for me..? =) cuz i'm not really proficient with programming that kinda codes myself... hehe but i'm learning. i'm in quite a hurry fer it too...

Thanks lotz lotz..=)
function to generate random Security Code:

Pivate Function SecurityGen() As String
Dim nDigits As Integer 'length of sec. string
Dim cResult As String 'stores string
Dim nRandom As Integer 'random number
Dim nLower As Integer 'lowest number
Dim nUpper As Integer 'highest number
Dim i As Integer 'counter

nDigits = 8 'set length to 8 char
nLower = 48 'equiv. of 0
nUpper = 122 'equiv of z
For i = 0 to nDigits - 1
'next line checks to see if random number is either digit or alpha
nRandom = Int((nUpper - nLower + 1) * Rnd + nLower)
if (((nRandom >= 48) And (nRandom <= 57)) or ((nRandom >= 65) and (nRandom <= 90)) or ((nRandom >= 97) and (nRandom <= 122))) Then
cResult = cResult & chr(nRandom)
i = i - 1 'redoes this element
End If
Next i
SecurityGen = cResult 'return result
End Function

Note that this function only works on systems using ASCII characters, as the ASCII value is determined by the random number generator.
Some adjusting of the numbers will be necessary to run this on systems using other character codes. Take Care,
Of course, if you really wanted to get carried away, you could always investigate the CryptoAPI...
hehe, StrongM definately has a point. I'm sure it will prove to be more usefull to you, if you have greater plans for the encryption dillio.
Take Care,
Cool.... Thanks lotz... This will really help me lots...=)

Thanks very muz..=)
Do a search for it on the web... you'll find something

the API is already in your system, you just need to find out how to call it. Take Care,
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