Can anyone tell me how to enable scanning on a Pocket PC. i am currently working with a symbol ppt2700. I think i need activescan.dll but i'm not sure where to find it!
I see you've struggled with my issue before. I've finally been able to get the 2700 to scan barcodes (in a demo program) but want to be able to hold the scanned barcodes in any type of file.
I'm not much of a programmer, so I was hoping to find the simplest solution to store code sequentially...any ideas???
It's $129.00 and allows you to use the barcode scanner and save data. You can save it either to a Pocket Access db (*.cdb) or a Data Store.
Each time you dock you can specify what gets uploaded or downloaded. DougP, MCP
Save the $129 ... if you need something simple, just tell me what you need. If it's not laying around on my hard drive, it wouldn't be difficult to say dump scanned barcodes to a text file. But is that what you really want???
What I fully need would be to dump the scan data into a text file, and later parse that text file to pull out the relevant information (in my case, the name, address, DOB, and other info from NYS and other 2D bar-code states).
I'm currently opening a notepad file and just allowing the scanning into that application, but it's highly subject to accidental erasure, touch-screen deativation, etc.
Can you send or post a sample of how the file should look? Are they scanning in only one barcode, then your parsing that to grab the other information, OR are they scanning all those pieces of information, in which case you would want one or more pieces of information to be grouped together?
Are you looking for a UI application, or library to access from some other language or program?
I'm including a sample scan of two successes PDF code (below) as well as the data indicators for other states. This small sample containts a NY State address and a PA address (actual addresses modified for privacy)
I scan in about 200 - 300 driver license barcodes during the night...as I mentioned before, the raw data just gets dumped into a notepad application (I usually need to let is sit for a couple of hours after I'm done because the data apparently gets buffered somewhere and takes quite some time to get into notepad.)
I'd like to create a program that collects the data on the Symbol, and then at some point (I'm not sure when is best) parses the data and generate a tab-delineated file such as:
First example would be:
My priority is extracting the NY records, but I'm listing the data formats for all of the states that I know, in the event you might have use for them.
Each records appears to begin with either:
ANSI as described below.
For the records beginning with AAMVA36001, these are New York State records:
The first field (name) is noted with “DAA” immediately preceeding the data. The “@” sign is used as a space with the following format LASTNAME@FIRSTNAME@MIDDLENAME (with the middle name being optional)
“DAG” starts the line with the address
“DAI” starts the line with the city
“DAJ” starts the line with the state
“DAK” starts the line with the zip
“DBB” starts the line with the date of birth in this format “YYYYMMDD”
The other fields are not important. On occasion, some of the above fields may be blank.
For the records beginning with AAMVA636025, these are Pennsylvania State records.
Records same as New York State with exception in name field:
The first field (name) is noted with “DAA” immediately preceeding the data. The format is a simple FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME LASTNAME with a single space between each.
For records beginning with AAMVA636006
Same as New York State with exception in name and zip formats:
First field (name) noted with DAA and format is LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME (comma between two with no space).
Zip is 9 digit 000000000 (no dash)
For records beginning ANSI 636020…, these are Colorado State records following this format:
DAA name (no @ sign, simply spaces as FIRSTNAME MIDDLE LASTNAME)
DAL address
DAN city
DAO state
DAP zip
DBB date of birth “YYYYMMDD”
For records beginning ANSI 63600001…, these are Virginia State records following the same format as New York with a format exception for the name…
DAA name (LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME MIDDLE) format uses comma+space after last name, and space between first and middle.
DAK is the zip and is a 9-digit zip code (New York State uses 5 digit)
For records beginning ANSI 6360050
Identical to Virginia with following exception:
Zip code is also 9-digit but is in the form 0000000000 (9 digit, no dashes). If only 5 digit zip code provided, would read 100120000 (with four zeroes tagged onto end). Therefore, four zeroes at end of zip code should be lopped off and ignored.
For records beginning ANSI 636026
Same as New York with following differences:
These fields are also broken out individually under dabLASTNAME dacFIRSTNAME dadMIDDLENAME
Record begins with: AAMVA36038
DAA has name in format FIRSTNAME MIDDLE LASTNAME (space delineation)
And DBB has date of birth.
No other fields.
Could anyone help me with the activescan.dll? I have the dll on my machine, but every time that I try running the program, it gives me an error: 'An error was encountered while running this program: Syntax error'
I have the object declared as:
Private Scanner as ACTIVESCANLib.ScanControl
Then in the form_Activate I have:
Set Scanner = New ACTIVESCANLib.ScanControl
Call Scanner.OpenScanner
Call Scanner.EnableScanning(True)
there is no need for the declaration or Set Scanner = New ACTIVESCANLib.ScanControl. Just activate the scanner -
Scanner.EnableScanning(True) when u need it and disable when you are finished.
make sure the control is on the form!
Thank you for your help. I am still having a problem with the Scanner control on the form. I was loading the control through the code, but this time I removed that code "Dim Scanner as ACTIVESANLib.ScanControl" and "Set......" and I added the 'ScanControl' control to the form. Now I am getting an error that says: "The control Scanner ({58A21E64-D817-11D2-84F7-00E099035C9E}) could not be created."
The ScanControl can be used as a textbox but it's purpose is to accept input from the scanner of your PDA! So when you require a barcode to be scanned, set focus on it , scan the barcode and the barcode text shoudl appear in the box.
I am not sure why you are getting the above error! The device you are using is able to scan?
Okay, I have a new problem. It seems as though the scanner is selective on scanning. It happens exactly every other time I start the program on the device. The first time I scan a barcode, it somehow closes the scanner from scanning until I re-open the program. Then it works just fine scanning.....until you close the program and open it again. Any help from please!!??
Hi guys, can I join this thread because I'm struggling with this as well.
Firstly, you can get the relevant activescan dll from the symbol website (you'll need to login to their developer zone). I've got the one for the 8100. The scancontrol itself is just an (almost) straight replacement for the textbox control but with a number of additional properties, methods and events.
On the whole it works quite well and seems to be a suitable replacement for Scanwedge which is a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
As 365892 said earlier, you open and enable the scanner before you can use it (on just that control, no form wide methods), wait for the scan, disable and close the scanner and then move on to the next field.
The problem I have is that because you have to close the scanner for one field and reopen it for another the only way that I have found to do this (keeping in mind the fact that the user might jump to other fields) is to use the LostFocus and GotFocus events --- except that they don't seem to work unless you have first moved to the scancontrol with a SetFocus. Tapping the field with the stylus does not set the focus.
Has anyone else managed to get LostFocus and GotFocus working by just tapping the relevant scancontrol?
dougconran, I would recommend just calling your event for the LostFocus(), and GotFocus() from inside the ScanComplete() event for the scanner control.
Private Sub Scnr1_ScanComplete(ByVal bstrBarCode As String, ByVal bstrSource As String, ByVal lStatus As Long, ByVal lLabelType As Long, ByVal lDataLength As Long)
...This sub's code
As it happens I had a reply back from Symbol as well. Their comment was that there can be only one Scancontrol on a form (contrary to their documentation). If you want to scan into multiple textboxes you then need to have 1 hidden scancontrol and however many visible textboxes. Scancontrol is then controlled from the GotFocus and LostFocus events of each textbox with the ScanComplete event passing the scanned data back to the relevant textbox.
Hi AlanJuden, LikwidKirpans.... I am having exactly the same error when added the control to the form. It was working fine, then it stopped working and I do not know why. How did you fix it?
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