I must to deploy my fitst SBC+onex-x system.
My scenario es small.
IPoffice 500 V2 R10 preferred with 10 sip channels and 15 users.
Apps server with one-x portal, voice mail, weblm in service.
Voice mail pro in function.
People who need to acces from outside are 8.
all servers are vmware machines.
I don't have the concept of ems
Reading manuals.... I see there are 2 posibilities: ems+sbc or sbc alone.
What must I do ? with ems o without ?
I must to deploy my fitst SBC+onex-x system.
My scenario es small.
IPoffice 500 V2 R10 preferred with 10 sip channels and 15 users.
Apps server with one-x portal, voice mail, weblm in service.
Voice mail pro in function.
People who need to acces from outside are 8.
all servers are vmware machines.
I don't have the concept of ems
Reading manuals.... I see there are 2 posibilities: ems+sbc or sbc alone.
What must I do ? with ems o without ?