Bhodgins is correct what this feature does is redirect 911 or any other numbers dialed that you specaify to another number you specaify i.e. the security desk.
There is another feature that I feel is more useful. I am not infront of a switch right now so I dont have the spacifics but bassically what it does is when anyone in the building calls 911 or any other emergency numbers you spceify a light will flash on the extensions you specify and they will also get an audible warning. when the hit the soft ket that is flashing the display will show the ext that dialed 911. You can also set this feature up to call out to up to 3 pagers.
If you are interested in this let me know and I will try to find the specifice on setting this up. José
I'm definately interested in learning how to setup this alert notification as well as how to send it to the 3 pagers at the same time. Can you send me the information on how?
what it does is when anyone in the building calls 911 or any other emergency numbers you spceify a light will flash on the extensions you specify and they will also get an audible warning. when the hit the soft ket that is flashing the display will show the ext that dialed 911.
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