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Embedded voicemail "Number busy"

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Technical User
Nov 15, 2011
I am having trouble with embedded voicemail. i am trying to access the auto attendant with either a short code
"*#47338/Auto Attendant/AA:HD which is *#greet or a line in with an incoming call route pointed to "AA:NameOfAutoAttendant" in my case AA:HD

I keep getting number busy

this is the monitor log after the last digit of the shortcode was pressed up until the busy tone was playing in my ear:

16:41:40 5475362mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: Setting Hard Timer 4000
16:41:40 5475362mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=*#47338 sub= calling=203 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
16:41:40 5475362mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=*#47338 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
16:41:40 5475362mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: SYS SC: *#47338 7 sc=type=AutoAttendant code=*#47338, num=AA:HD callinfop->sending_complete=0 secondary_dialtone=
16:41:40 5475363mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: ADD VM TARGET
16:41:40 5475363mS CMTARGET: **** 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: MakeVoicemailTarget pbx=<null> local=1 type=3
16:41:40 5475363mS CMCallEvt: 0.1131.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f4e76830 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
16:41:40 5475364mS CMTARGET: 0.1131.0 50 RAS.0: ADD PRIMARY
16:41:40 5475364mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: ADD VM TARGET: SUCCEEDED
16:41:40 5475364mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: CancelTimer CMTCDelayedProcessing
16:41:40 5475364mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
16:41:40 5475364mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:15
16:41:40 5475364mS CMCallEvt: 0.1130.0 50 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
16:41:40 5475365mS CMCallEvt: 0.1131.0 50 RAS.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
16:41:40 5475365mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1131 )
16:41:40 5475365mS CMExtnTx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1013 in=0
Called[#AA:HD] Type=Voicemail (102) Reason=CMDRX_Attendant Calling[203] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw
BChan: slot=21 chan=43
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn203
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Extn203
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=203
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=enu HW=15 VER=9 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=77 number=3 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1129 ipaddr= apps=0 loc=0 em_loc=1
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
Display [Extn203>#AA:HD]
Timed: 10/12/13 16:41
Locale: enu
16:41:40 5475366mS CMMap: a=21.43 b=1.254 T
16:41:40 5475368mS PRN: AutoBox27: Open: No Attendant Configured: H
16:41:40 5475369mS CD: CALL: 0.1129.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Extn203(203)" (0.9) Bend="" [RAS] (0.0) CalledNum=*#47338 () CallingNum=203 (Extn203) Internal=1 Time=4147 AState=Dialling
16:41:40 5475371mS CMExtnRx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1013 in=0
16:41:40 5475371mS CMCallEvt: 0.1131.0 50 RAS.0: StateChange: END=T CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
16:41:40 5475371mS CMExtnEvt: v=1013 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Idle,0,0,RAS
16:41:40 5475372mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
16:41:40 5475372mS CMExtnEvt: RAS: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 1131->0 )
16:41:40 5475372mS CMCallEvt: 0.1131.0 -1 RAS.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
16:41:40 5475372mS CMExtnEvt: v=1013 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,RAS
16:41:40 5475372mS CMExtnTx: v=RAS, p1=0
Line: type=RAS 1 Call: lid=0 id=1013 in=0
BChan: slot=21 chan=43
Cause=16, Normal call clearing
16:41:40 5475372mS CMMap: a=21.43 b=0.0 T0
16:41:40 5475373mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: AdjustNoAnswerTimer 10ms
16:41:40 5475374mS CMCallEvt: 0.1131.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f4e76830 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
16:41:40 5475383mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: TimerExpired cause=CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
16:41:40 5475383mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: Retarget NOANSWER EXCEPTED=00000004 ValidTargets=0
16:41:40 5475383mS CMTARGET: 0.1129.0 50 Extn203.0: Retarget NOANSWER delete call cause CMCauseBusy aend state CMCSDialling
16:41:40 5475384mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2013/12/1016:41,00:00:00,000,203,O,*#47338,*#47338,Extn203,,,1,,""n/a,0
16:41:40 5475384mS CD: CALL: 0.1129.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Extn203(203)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=*#47338 () CallingNum=203 (Extn203) Internal=1 Time=4162 AState=Dialling
16:41:40 5475384mS CD: CALL: 0.1129.0 Deleted
16:41:40 5475385mS CMExtnEvt: Extn203: CALL LOST (CMCauseBusy)
16:41:40 5475385mS CMExtnEvt: Extn203: Extn(203) Calling Party Number(203) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
16:41:40 5475385mS CMCallEvt: 0.1129.0 -1 Extn203.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSDialling->CMCSCompletedTone
16:41:40 5475385mS CMExtnEvt: v=3 State, new=CMESCompleted old=Dialling,0,0,Extn203
16:41:40 5475386mS CMCallEvt: 0.1130.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f5753534 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
16:41:40 5475386mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:50 (f4f417e0)
16:41:40 5475391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:40 5475891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:41 5476391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:41 5476891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:42 5477391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:42 5477891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:43 5478391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:43 5478891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:44 5479391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:44 5479891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:45 5480391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:45 5480891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:46 5481391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:46 5481891mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B0
16:41:47 5482391mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 B1
16:41:47 5482685mS CMExtnRx: v=203, p1=0

Anyone know how to read this and see what is wrong

its a ipo 500 v2 release 9

I can access mailboxes with *17

also i can record greetings with *8401 and listen to them when i go back in to confirm

I have already recreated the SD card

still the same problem

any ideas
make sure the name is not long also double check your short code as it did not look right, on my way out the door so will check in tomorrow

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
AutoBox27: Open: No Attendant Configured: H

So it's missing the D and my guess your AA is to short.


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged (Avaya Search tool )
Try naming the Attendant "test" and try again, Avaya has a some crazy bugs going on where it doesn't like some names/characters used in names etc :)

No quotes

I have auto attendants named just AA, that's just as short as HD

I'll try these tomorrow

Thanks everyone

I've done a hundred of these before, I'm not new to embedded. Back to the grind tomorrow I guess
dOOner62, I'm having same 'Number Busy' Issue.
Incoming calls also do not go to Auto Attendant.

Recording AA works, *17 and VM also works.

I've done many embedded systems before but this is my first version 9. Any update on your situation?

So i got in today and changed the names

there is no rhyme or reason why, in my mind that certain names should fail
these are passes and fails on certain names tried:
I have :


The names just works or it doesnt, i dont know why.

Just change the name until it wrks and then just add a different number to it as you add more.

ridiculous actually

Thanks so much for the update, I've already spend so much time on this and was at a loss. I'll try these in the morning.
I usually use the exact same AA names for clients with the same basic needs and it's the first time I'm seeing this problem.

I hope it works, if it doesn't work I might also try the version 9 update which was just released yesterday.

Thanks again and I'll give an update afterwards.
...there is no rhyme or reason why, in my mind that certain names should fail..."

Except is you don't have quote marks around characters that the IP Office will otherwise treat as special characters for inserting information into the telephone number.

And if you keep using the auto attendant name in short codes when you should be using the auto attendant number.

Stuck in a never ending cycle of file copying.
Changed the Auto Attendant name from DayAA to AA and it worked. There is definitely a bug in 9.

Thanks again guys for the help, I spent a couple hours on this yesterday and with that info I had it working in 2 minutes today.
Sorry sizbut, but you are incorrect:

Manager said:
· For Release 4.1+, to add a short code to access a specific auto attendant, the name method as used for pre-Release 4.1 should be used.

And the pre 4.1 method is:

Manager said:
· For pre-Release 4.1
Four system short codes are automatically added for each auto attendant. These use a telephone number of the form AA:Name.Y where Name is replaced by the Auto Attendant name and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.

· You can manually delete the short codes or add additional short codes as required.

· To create a short code to access an auto attendant, for example to allow internal calls to an auto attendant, omit the .Y part of the short code telephone number.

As you can see no quote marls are required in this scenario, nor have I ever needed to for Auto Attendant shortcodes, it's a bug :)

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