Technical User
- Mar 12, 2012
- 63
I am trying to use macropod's guide and got the macro in my email merge document. It created the EmailDataSource.doc
However it looks like this and did not email?
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Could you help me?
However it looks like this and did not email?
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Could you help me?
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of BERRY NETWORK,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
EmailAddress Data
Invoice Number
12439588 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/25/2012 $5,184.17 $0.00 $5,184.17
TOTAL: $5,184.17
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of E.M.W.D. (Dump Fees),
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
14919 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/23/2012 $4,280.00 $0.00 $4,280.00
TOTAL: $4,280.00
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of Ferguson Enterprises, Inc,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
8598515 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/05/2012 $508.96 $0.00 $508.96
TOTAL: $508.96
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of Hemet Industrial Supply,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
145890CM Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
08/16/2012 $-81.54 $0.00 $-81.54
145588 09/10/2012 $188.68 $0.00 $188.68
145715 09/10/2012 $238.31 $0.00 $238.31
145725 09/10/2012 $206.24 $0.00 $206.24
145843 09/10/2012 $75.08 $0.00 $75.08
145844 09/10/2012 $230.44 $0.00 $230.44
145853 09/10/2012 $40.32 $0.00 $40.32
145858 09/10/2012 $48.07 $0.00 $48.07
145899 09/10/2012 $63.91 $0.00 $63.91
145934 09/10/2012 $71.05 $0.00 $71.05
145939 09/10/2012 $20.15 $0.00 $20.15
145940 09/10/2012 $131.13 $0.00 $131.13
146029 09/10/2012 $2.25 $0.00 $2.25
146030 09/10/2012 $42.64 $0.00 $42.64
146032 09/10/2012 $37.26 $0.00 $37.26
146047 09/10/2012 $609.71 $0.00 $609.71
145856 09/10/2012 $17.85 $0.00 $17.85
146014 09/10/2012 $31.50 $0.00 $31.50
TOTAL: $1,973.05
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of HIRSCH PIPE & SUPPLY,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
2995750 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
08/23/2012 $26.37 $2.64 $26.37
2996669 08/24/2012 $14.14 $1.41 $14.14
2999403 09/10/2012 $4.13 $0.04 $4.13
2989172 08/18/2012 $28.77 $2.88 $28.77
2994885 08/23/2012 $341.27 $3.41 $341.27
2989127 08/18/2012 $11.44 $1.14 $11.44
2989132 08/18/2012 $4.71 $0.47 $4.71
TOTAL: $430.83
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of MWI Plumbing Wholesale,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
002555 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/15/2012 $37.06 $0.00 $37.06
TOTAL: $37.06
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of PETE'S ROAD SERVICE,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
690353-00 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/10/2012 $1,692.73 $0.00 $1,692.73
TOTAL: $1,692.73
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of The Plumbers Warehouse,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
0012416 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
08/29/2012 $338.62 $0.00 $338.62
0013160 08/31/2012 $30.49 $0.00 $30.49
TOTAL: $369.11
Dear Accounts Receivables Department of Western Drain Supplies,
Please charge credit card on file for the following invoice(s):
Invoice Number
48744 Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Invoice
09/15/2012 $479.55 $0.00 $479.55
48797 08/23/2012 $2,161.23 $0.00 $2,161.23
48767 09/20/2012 $627.71 $0.00 $627.71
48841 08/28/2012 $75.70 $0.00 $75.70