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Email w/ attachments not getting through

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Jun 2, 2004
I have an instance where an outside individual has attempted to send an email with attachments to a couple of my users--whom we'll call user A and user B. These emails never arrived, but they were never bounced back either. As a test, he attempted to send these same attachments to another person in our company (user C) and succeeded. Upon further testing, all emails with NO attachments from this person to users A & B were delivered, but ALL emails with attachments (even small ones) never arrived, but were not bounced. It is interesting that these emails w/ attachments could get through to some and not others.

I have looked at the settings in the accounts of user A, B & C and they are all identical. Thinking Outlook itself might be filtering out these messages, I looked into that and found that all setting appeared to be what they should be. If anyone has any suggestions for a direction for me to take, I would be grateful.


Randy Davis, MCP
Data Analyst

There are a few things to look into regarding this problem.

Check with the recepients to see if they have a program in place that will strip any attachments.

Also if they are using outlook 2000, 2002 2003 then outlook will block certain attachments that it deems a security risk.

Does the recepient's company (I am assuming it is a company) use an out side source to scan messages for viruses and the messages are being caught because of the attachments?

I would work with the system admin at the recepient's company - for it may not be your mail server ---but theirs that is causing the problems.

I must not have been very clear. I work in the IT department for the recipient company--and I believe that it is a problem with our configuration somehow.

The attachments that we are being sent are all PDF files. I would hope that our email filtering vendor would not be flagging PDF files. I have approached my boss in order to contact the vendor, but he insists that their service is not set up on a per-user basis. And since the attachments got through to one of our people, it proves that the email service is not stopping the attachment-laden messages. I would still like to see if the messages made it to them or not, if for no other reason than to clear them as suspect.

Yes, Outlook blocks certain attachments, but when it does, the message still get through with a yellow banner indicating that there have been attachments that have been strippted off.

Randy Davis, MCP
Data Analyst

have your users setup anyting in their junk email folder - rules that would move or delete the message prior to it arriving in their mailbox?

The senders IT admin - did they check their queues to see if the messages are still in their queues. I had a similar problem where email to some users were going out while others were queueing. I was also using a third party service to scan and found that there was a dns reverse lookup issue - though they claimed not to use DNS reverse lookup -- they do -- once we added the info into the mx records it worked.

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