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Email Users that their password is Expiring

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Technical User
Aug 5, 2003
Hi Everyone,

1st, sorry for this long thread

I have this power-shell script (made spiceworks user Martin900-Martin Pugh - that gathers users AD that have their passwords expiring based on date(s) I specify. The script runs perfectly, it can also only search for users that belong to a particular AD OU.

what I would like to accomplish is to be able to choose multiple OUs, currently it can only search and filter for one AD OU. The reason why I need to choose multiple OUs is because our users are placed under country OUs which I would like to send different emails based on their country (i.e. Brazil - email will be sent in Portuguese for users that belongs to Brazil OU, Latin countries - email will be sent in spanish for users belonging to Chile, Nicaragua... OUs)

I have researched and tried different approaches changing the script but I am not programmer or power-shell expert, please help.

Below the .ps1 powershell script (as you may see it looks for another .ini file for me to enter the SearchBase=, which only works if I enter one AD OU FQDN)

Scan Active Directory for passwords that are expiring in the designated time
frame and send that user an Email warning them of it.
Designate the timeframe you want emails to be sent to the users, as well as
individual days out. IE send an email at 15 and 10 days that their password is
expiring, then every day from 5 down.

All configuration changes are made in the pwdcfg.ini file. Script will look for
the file in the same path as where the script is located. If it does not find it
it will create a baseline configuration file and launch Notepad for you to edit it.

A log file of each run and the emails sent out will also be kept as pwdExpired.log.

A demo mode is available so all emails will be sent to the designated person instead
of all users so you can test before deploying in production.

Settings that must be configured in the pwdcfg.ini file:

SMTPRelay The IP address or hostname of your SMTP relay
SMTPFrom Who the emails will be sent out as
SMTPPort Port your SMTP relay uses, default is 25
UseSSL Set to Yes if your SMTP relay requires SSL
UseCredentials Set to Yes or No. Tells the script to use credentials for
sending email. Script will prompt you for those credentials
the first time you run the script, saving the data in an
encrypted file in the same locatoin as the script. Make sure
to edit the $Key variable in the Get-SavedCredential function
get get a unique encryption key. After the first run the script
will no longer prompt you for credentials.
SMTPCredentials If you set UseCredentials to Yes you can set the user name of
the user you want to authenticate with on your SMTP relay. If
you leave this blank the script will default to the currently
logged in user.
BodyAsHTML Set to Yes if your email body will be formatted with HTML.

SearchBase The FQDN of the OU you want the start your search in. Leave it
blank to search the entire Active Directory tree.
SingleDayNotifications Designate the individual days you want notifications to be sent
out. If your DaysToExpire is set to 5, these numbers should always be
greater than 5. IE: 14,8 would be 14 days out and 8 days out to
send notifications.
DaysToExpire The value where notifications will be sent out EVERY day, if a
users password will be expiring in less than this value.

EMAIL BODY A special setting, all lines following this line will be evaluated
as the body of the email you want to send. Use the variables
below to insert personalized information into the body of the email.
Supports HTML if you set BodyAsHTML above to Yes.

The body of the email is defined in the pwdcfg.ini file, you can set specialized
variables in the text that the script will replace with the actual value:

%DAYS% The number of days until the password expires
%FIRSTNAME% The user's first name
%LASTNAME% The user's last name
%EMAILADDR% The user's full email address

Example pwdcfg.ini file:
** This file is designed to relay mail against Gmail **


Hi %firstname%, your password is going to die in %Days%. Change it now, no more questions.

Another example:
** This one relays off of an Exchange server with no credential requirements **


Hi %firstname%, your password is going to die in %Days%. Change it now, no more questions.

Both examples will send an email to the user at 14 days, 8 days and then every day from 5 down.
It will also search all of Active Directory, so some service accounts and other user objects may
get email.

Designate the path where you want the configuration file, the log file and, if used, the credential
file. Default is the same path where you saved the script.
Turn this parameter on to have all emails sent to one email address (To below). This switch should
be used when testing.
When Demo is turned on you must designate a To email address. All emails will be sent to this email
address instead of the user's.

All configuration and log files will be saved in default location. User's will receive emails if
their password is going to expire in the designated timeframe.
.\Send-PasswordExpirationNotifications.ps1 -Demo -To administrator@mycompany.com

All configuration and log files will be saved in default location. User's will NOT receive emails if
their password is going to expire in the designated timeframe, but instead administrator@mycompany.com
will receive them all.
Author: Martin Pugh
Twitter: @thesurlyadm1n
Spiceworks: Martin9700
1.1 Added ability to use HTML for the email. This was actually part of the original
specification and I forgot to put it in!!
1.01 Found a bug when sending email in production, it was sending to demo address
anyway! Thanks Kent for telling me about this.
1.0 Initial Release
#requires -Version 3.0
Param (

[string]$To = "marc@tns.org"

Function Get-SavedCredential {
Simple function to get and save domain credentials.
Param (
[String]$AuthUser = $env:USERNAME,
$Key = [byte]29,36,18,74,72,75,85,52,73,44,0,21,98,76,99,28

#Build the path to the credential file
$CredFile = $AuthUser.Replace("\","~")
$File = $PathToCred + "\Credentials-$CredFile.crd"
#And find out if it's there, if not create it
If (-not (Test-Path $File))
{ (Get-Credential $AuthUser).Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $Key | Set-Content $File
#Load the credential file
$Password = Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key
$AuthUser = (Split-Path $File -Leaf).Substring(12).Replace("~","\")
$AuthUser = $AuthUser.Substring(0,$AuthUser.Length - 4)
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($AuthUser,$Password)
Return $Credential

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Loading ActiveDirectory module..."
Try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Host "Unable to load Active Directory module, is RSAT installed?" -ForegroundColor Red; Exit }

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Validate To parameter"
If ($Demo -and $To -eq $null)
{ Write-Host "If using Demo mode you must specify the -To parameter" -ForegroundColor Red

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Validate configuration file exists, otherwise create it, exit the script and open Notepad with the config file in there"
If (-not $Path)
{ $Path = $PSScriptRoot

If (-not (Test-Path $Path\pwdcfg.ini -PathType Leaf))
{ $pwdcfg = @"
SMTPRelay=<ip address or host name>


# %DAYS% = replaces with the number of days until the password expires
# %FIRSTNAME% = user's first name
# %EMAILADDR% = user's email address
# %LASTNAME% = user's last name

*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply. ***

Good morning %FIRSTNAME%,

We have detected that your password is going to expire in %DAYS% days.

We strongly suggest you change it immediately. Once your password expires you will not be able to log into Outlook Web Access or the VPN. Passwords can only be changed from the office or if you have a VPN connection. Remote employees may not be able to get into the system at all without assistance from the help desk.

If you need help changing your password, please try this first:
<URL to your change password procedure>

If you are a remote user, we have specific instructions here:
<URL to your remote user change password procedure>

If you're still unsure how to change your password simply email Helpdesk@mycompany.com for assistance.
$pwdcfg | Out-File $Path\pwdcfg.ini
Notepad.exe $Path\pwdcfg.ini
Write-Host "Configuration file wasn't present so have created one for you. Please insert the proper information and rerun the script." -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Parse the pwdcfg.ini file"
$pwdcfg = Get-Content $Path\pwdcfg.ini
$MailSplat = @{
From = ($pwdcfg | Select-String "SMTPFrom").Line.SubString(9)
SMTPServer = ($pwdcfg | Select-String "SMTPRelay").Line.SubString(10)
Port = [int]($pwdcfg | Select-String "SMTPPort").Line.SubString(9)
ErrorAction = "Stop"
$SMTPAuth = ($pwdcfg | Select-String "SMTPCredentials").Line.SubString(16)
If ($SMTPAuth -eq "")
{ $SMTPAuth = $env:USERNAME
If (($pwdcfg | Select-String "UseCredentials").Line.SubString(15).ToUpper() -eq "YES")
{ Write-Verbose "Retrieving credentials..."
$MailSplat.Add("Credential",(Get-SavedCredential -AuthUser $SMTPAuth -PathToCred $Path))
If (($pwdcfg | Select-String "UseSSL").Line.SubString(7).ToUpper() -eq "YES")
{ $MailSplat.Add("UseSSL",$true)

If (($pwdcfg | Select-String "BodyAsHTML").Line.SubString(11).ToUpper() -eq "YES")
{ $MailSplat.Add("BodyAsHTML",$true)

$SingleDays = ($pwdcfg | Select-String "SingleDayNotifications").Line.SubString(23).Split(",")
$DaysToExpire = [int]($pwdcfg | Select-String "DaystoExpire").Line.SubString(13)
$SearchBase = ($pwdcfg | Select-String "SearchBase").Line.SubString(11)

$Body = ForEach ($Line in $pwdcfg)
{ If ($Found)
{ $Line
{ If ($Line -like "*EMAIL BODY*")
{ $Found = $true

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Start the log file"
$Log = @"
# Password Expiration Log
# Run on $(Get-Date)
Add-Content -Path $Path\pwdExpired.log -Value $Log
If ($Demo)
{ Add-Content -Path $Path\pwdExpired.log -Value "#Demo Mode Detected, all emails to be sent to $To"

Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Determine the maximum password age for the domain"
$maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $null
$dfl = (Get-ADDomain).DomainMode.Value__
$maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge
If ($maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan -eq $null -or $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds -eq 0)
{ Write-Host "MaxPasswordAge is not set for the domain or is set to zero!"
Write-Host "So no password expiration's possible. Exiting script."

$SearchSplat = @{
Properties = "PasswordExpired","PasswordLastSet","PasswordNeverExpires","Mail"
If ($SearchBase -ne "")
{ $SearchSplat.Add("SearchBase",$SearchBase)

ForEach ($User in (Get-ADUser -Filter * @SearchSplat))
{ If ($User.PasswordNeverExpires -or $User.PasswordLastSet -eq $null -or $User.PasswordExpired -or $User.Enabled -eq $false -or $User.Mail -eq $null)
{ Continue
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Working on $($User.SamAccountName)..."
If ($dfl -ge 3)
{ Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Greater than Windows2008 domain functional level, determining FGPP"
$accountFGPP = $null
$accountFGPP = Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy $User
If ($accountFGPP)
{ $ResultPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $accountFGPP.MaxPasswordAge
{ $ResultPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan
{ $ResultPasswordAgeTimeSpan = $maxPasswordAgeTimeSpan
$TS = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End ($User.PasswordLastSet + $ResultPasswordAgeTimeSpan)).Days

If ($SingleDays -contains $TS -or $TS -le $DaysToExpire)
{ Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): $($User.SamAccountName) is expiring, sending email"
If ($Demo)
{ $SendTo = $To
{ $SendTo = $User.Mail

Add-Content $Path\pwdExpired.log -Value "$($User.SamAccountName) set to expire in $TS days. Email sent to $SendTo"
$SendBody = $Body.Replace("%DAYS%",$TS)
$SendBody = $SendBody.Replace("%FIRSTNAME%",$User.GivenName)
$SendBody = $SendBody.Replace("%LASTNAME%",$User.Surname)
$SendBody = $SendBody.Replace("EMAILADDR",$User.Mail)
$Subject = "**FINAL NOTICE** Please change your password. It will expire tomorrow!"

Try {
Send-MailMessage -To $SendTo -Body ($SendBody | Out-String) -Subject $Subject @MailSplat
Catch {
Add-Content $Path\pwdExpired.log -Value "Error sending email: $($Error[0])"
Write-Warning $Error[0]
Add-Content $Path\pwdExpired.log -Value "##### Script completed: $(Get-Date) #####"
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script completed!
Kinda simply put (sorry), but you could wrap this code in a for-each loop, and parse a comma-delimited list of OU's from the SearchBase property. Then evaluate each for which language you wish to apply.

With business clients like mine, you'd be better off herding cats.
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