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Email Forms

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Apr 9, 2003
I am currently designing my own webpage, and I was hoping to put a form onto my contact page where visitors can send me their comments, email address etc. It would be a very basic form but the code i have at the moment won't work can anyone see where i'm going wrong???
Any help greatly appreciated


Here's my form code

<form action=" name="DATA" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MAILME_TO" value="myemailaddress@XXX.com">
<input type="hidden" name="MAILME_REPLYTO">
<input type="hidden" name="MAILME_SUBJECT" value="Comment">

<table width="509" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="box" >

<td colspan="4" class="title">Personal Details </td>

<td colspan="3">
<div align="left">* Title</div>

<div align="left">

<select name="title" class="navSelectsmall">

<option> </option>







<td colspan="3">

<div align="left">* First name of party leader</div>

<div align="left">
<input type="text" name="firstname" size="15" class="navFieldsbig">

<td colspan="3">
<div align="left">* Surname of party leader</div>
<div align="left">

<input type="text" name="surname" size="15" class="navFieldsbig">

<td colspan="3" >
<div align="left">* Email</div>
<td >
<div align="left">

<input type="text" name="email" size="15" class="navFieldsbig">

<td colspan="4">
<div align="center">
<input type="submit" name="_IGNORE_Submit" class="turqBtn" value="Submit &raquo;">

um, I haven't got a clue how this email form is mean to work - because there's nowhere for the form data to go which would put it into an email. where's your script?!

Take a look for formMail.pl for a free form mailer cgi script.

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[ul][li]please tell us if our suggestion has helped[/li][li]need some help? faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
When i say it doesn't work i mean the email doesn't arrive, it moves to the confirmation page but the email isn't sent???
That's because you don't have any directives that send an email. Your form "action" is: action=" and that's exactly what it does. Your "action" has to be something that causes email to be sent. I'm not a fan of using action="mailto:...." but that will work. Do a keyword search on this forum and you'll probably find about a hundred ways to implement this type of action.

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!
Would you mind properly closing your post please? You've had 16 post without having a sigle one properly closed.

Thank you.

>> You've had 16 post without having a single one properly closed.

And that's the second time I've seen you tell someone off for non-closure immediately after they've thanked the posters for a working solution.

Not only that, but I started to go through kennyaidan's posts - and out of the first 5 I checked, 4 had been closed with a thank you - so I don't know where you get your stats from - but they're way off.

This isn't experts-exchange, you know - we don't need to fight over points! ;o)

a little FYI for those who don't know what 'closing a post' is referring to:

it's possible to award 'stars' in tek-tips; these are given to recognise an individual as particularly helpful.

to award a star, click the "* Thank xxxxxxxx for this valuable post!" link, found at the bottom left of each post.

Each star is a vote for 'TipMaster of the week'.

However, a courteous thank-you message is always appreciated :)

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[ul][li]please tell us if our suggestion has helped[/li][li]need some help? faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
Stars are not mean't for closing posts, they never have been either.

A star is supposed to be awarded for a valuable post and should be a bolt from the blue. Saying that stars should be awarded to close a thread is simply wrong, pointless and it defeats every part of the whole system.

Hope this helps


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell

I'm with Wullie on this... Stars should never be expected.

Remember that code is very subjective in terms of "greatness"... If you've spent 4 hours slogging away over an answer, you might think it's the best code in the world, but that still doesn't mean a star should be awarded automatically. The beauty [of the code] really is in the eye of the beholder ;o)

And maybe take note of this from the profile page,

No signature should include any reference to voting, stars, or marking posts as helpful. Doing so is cause for membership termination.

I've always taken it to refer to posts as well


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Sorry Guys for starting this argument but i was simply trying to show some common courtesy to "tviman" for his help. I'm sorry DeCojute if showing some basic manners is a problem around here!! In future can i get a definitive answer on how would you like the thread to be finished as everyone seems to have a different answer???
I wouldn't worry about it, far too many threads don't even get a thanks.

just saying thanks will do for most of us and posting what solved the problem is always useful for the members who search the forums first. ( well the few anyway! )


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
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