Is there a way to email the details of a web form?
I am trying to set up a feed back page that will allow the user to hit submit, then have the form email the information to me. I don't want Outlook to open up or anything like that. This is what I am trying to use:
Set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MsgFrom = ""
MsgTo = ""
MsgSubject = Request.Form("EventName")
MsgMessage = Request.Form("EventDescription")
objNewMail.Send(MsgFrom, MsgTo, MSgSubject, MsgMessage)
I am using IIS on Windows 2000 Server.
I am trying to set up a feed back page that will allow the user to hit submit, then have the form email the information to me. I don't want Outlook to open up or anything like that. This is what I am trying to use:
Set objNewMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MsgFrom = ""
MsgTo = ""
MsgSubject = Request.Form("EventName")
MsgMessage = Request.Form("EventDescription")
objNewMail.Send(MsgFrom, MsgTo, MSgSubject, MsgMessage)
I am using IIS on Windows 2000 Server.