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Elite Groups PXSEP/Celeron 433 Beep errors

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Technical User
Mar 1, 2001
I am putting a new system together and am running out of ideas. I am using an Elite Groups PXSEP-Me motherboard with a Celeron 433 processor. I have striped all connections from the board except video, checked,checked,rechecked all the jumpers.
When I power up the board I get nothing but a long beep. Nothing else, not even post codes. I am just stumped.

Exchanged Motherboard----same problem
Exchanged Memory----------same problem
only the cpu hasn't been changed, I don't have an extra 433

thanks in advance
the most common problem i have encountered related with this is the video card not being seated on the mainboard properly. Have you made sure it is FULLY inserted into the slot. Sometimes you have to push really, really hard to get these in..... James Goodman
Thanks for the response,
The video is integrated into the MB, and this is the second MB with the exact same problem. According to AWARD the BIOS only has one BEEP code and that's for a video problem. "anything else is probably memory". I already swapped both the MB and RAM out with no change. I'm thinking that the processor is toast, I'ts the only thing not new.
thanks again.
The Book I have on Beep codes isn't much help without knowing the brand of BIOS Chip maker AMI, Award, etc..
But the 2 that stick out for long beeps are,

1 long beep then it stops is Dram Refresh Error( Is you memory pc100 or pc133 tested. old 66Mhz don't run to good at 100Mhz)

Most of the other 1 beep ones pointed to video card problems.

Good Luck
I have now replaced the CPU, and have the exact same problem with one long beep that repeats ad infinitum. I am totally lost here, the BIOS is AWARD, according to them the only beep code they use is video (1 long, 3 short) everything else is probably memory. I have replaced: The CPU, The MB(video included), tried RAM from my working PC, Checked and re-checked the MB for jumper settings(there are none, except "clear CMOS".
In over ten years of building and repairing PC's this is the first to give me this kind of headache. If it wasn't for a customer I would be inclined to scap this whole setup.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
John Viel
Are there jumper settings for switching off the onboard video, so you can try a video card. I am sure you have tried just running it on only the video, to make sure you are getting the right power to everything, but that would be my next step. There are other things you can try, I've had problems with many motherboards, and there are usually different beeps for every one of them.
Thanks for the reply. I found the problem;
In a fit I replaced the memory yet another time, only this time I let the frustration get to me. I REALLY leaned on the DIMM until I got a LOUD crack, I thought I broke the board. IT WORKED... I guess the guys at Elite Groups believe in the bigger hammer theory of computer building. Something I guess their own tech support people could figure out. Thanks for all the input :)
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