This is probably basic, but I recived an InDesign file and I cannot edit the text. I believe the text boxes are a part of the master layer but I can not seem to edit them.
I can select and edit the box but not change the text inside.
At the bottom of the ID window, where it indicates what page # you're on, click the little triangle and select A Master, B master or whatever as there might be more than one. That will get you into the master.
I would suggest working on a copy of the original in case something goes bump in the night.
It looks like the text has been outlined. It is not editable.
There is a different kind of bounding box when you have editable text.
To be certain that the text has been outline, try selecting it with the white arrow tool. If it has a lot of edit points, then the text has definitely been outlined and cannot be edited with the type tool.
Yes it does that, does that mean it has been locked or something? Is there a way to make it editable, like was it editable and then locked and saved into this format?
I have a feeling the graphics guy I worked with is trying to screw me as I paid for the content and now Im trying to get him to give me what I paid for.
If it's outlines, you're dead. Essentially, outlines turns every letter into its own little graphic - not text. There is no way to undo this.
Just to be sure, blow up your view a lot, then click on any letter using the white selection tool. If you see a bunch of little dots around the letter it's outlines.
That's what I was afraid of. Is it possible that he has a version that has the text in a text format and not graphical? Or once you convert it then it cannot be changed back.
Sorry for the novice questions, but thanks for the info!
Most experienced people save a copy with editable text - just to avoid the problems you're having. So it would be worthwhile asking him.
One ot the resons you convert text to outlines is so that the person receiving the document can see it as planned - without needing the specific font used in the document. If you don't have the origanl font, ID will substitute its default font which might not be anything like the original, including all the spacing,etc.
Just tell him that the copy he sent you had all the fonts outlined and ask if he has a copy with the original text. If you get that and you're missing the original font, ID will warn you when opening and tell you the name of the missing font.
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