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EDI Implementation 1

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Sep 30, 2002
I am managing what amounts to a supply chain B2B project for one of the US's largest electronic retailers. They have little if any existing B2B functionality, including exactly zero EDI experience. They wish to electronically connect over 3000 suppliers and 300 vendors, with "real time" visibility to Purchase Orders and Tracing detail from the transportation vendors. I would estimate that 10-15% of the suppliers have existing EDI technology, and 40-50% of the transportation providers have some flavor of EDI. My budget is nearly limitless, but I need to consider the costs to the suppliers and vendors. It is widely recognized that the solution must be web-based to ease implementation. Is a Wal-Mart-style AS2 solution the answer? How about XML? Is there a new breed I should investigate? Thanks.
I think you may try m-e-c-eagle from mendelson-e-commerce. It is available for free on the net at Sourceforge.com. It is a Java based translation software, what makes it plataform independent. It might take a little more to aquire the required understanding, but you'd apply your budget to it. in addition you can use cleo LexiCom for your communication.

Here is a link for AS2 tested software:
Hi Badfish,

Check out Boomi's Exchange Series. We've been working with them for a while and are getting ready to use them for Walmart, they are in the present round of AS2 cert and will be ready for Walmart when they flip the switch. Anyway, it's a really easy to use solution and they support EDIINT and have a new web interface option called iConnect for partners that don't have the $$ to invest and just need to trade with you. Check out and let me know if you need any more info.

Good Luck!!!
If you are in retail I would look at UCC (and UCCNet), and VICS standards. Most of your suppliers are probably familiar with these iniatives. The trucking industry is very heavy into EDI and getting shipping status from the big carriers is usually batch EDI.
Without knowing what kind of products you sell and your trading partners I would look to use EDI and evolve into XML especially if you have budget. Wal-Mart is requiring the use of AS2 so you might look to see how they are implementing it. The UCC/VICS conference is a great place to get information on the retail industry but it is in the summer. You are coming up on the holiday season so I would not expect you are building too much infastructure right now. I worked for a couple of now defunct dot com retailers here in Seattle and I have experience on a smaller scale what you are trying to do. GOod luck.
Dave Frenkel
Hi Badfish28,

I have been reading through your requirements and know I can suggest a solution that is out of the box ready and will address the B2B Fulfilment functionality that you are looking for.

The company you should be looking at is Wesupply and can be located on
They offer a supply chain fulfilment solution that is EDI, XML and Web based to provide a realtime view of the fulfilment process by reacting to the immediate problems that will damage your business They also have the capabilities to link 3rd party logistics and consignment warehouses.

Let me know if you want more info on this.
I also have been reading through your requirements and you might want to check out a company called Advance Data Exchange
Though I hate to say this, you might want to investage the Ariba Network for your B2B solution. The company I work for is a supplier on this network, I don't know how much it costs. Suppliers that are invited can use the service without cost. I use Mercator EDI solution, just another flavor.

Hi Badfish28,

I own a consulting firm that works primarly in the consumer product/consumable markets. We've recommended ADX (Advance Data Exchange) out of Newark, CA for several projects and had excellent results. Their fees are reasonable and their service is very reliable. As a B2B supplier, ADX is currently trading with most retail accounts and has the ability to quickly map account transaction sets as necessary. You can learn more about ADX at or by phone at 510.493.5000 I normally work with Eric Voorheis. Best of luck, Ted922
Hello Badfish28,

I am an EDI Specialist / Project Manager and have some experience with Wal-Mart EDIINT and bTrade products.

If you would like to, you can contact me offline and we could discuss your implementation?


In looking at this question, it seems some of the web based solutions out there would work well in getting to most of the 3000 suppliers. I have been involved with a company called DIcentral in the past. Supply chain rollouts are their specialty.
First off ... since Badfish28 never responded back to this thread ... that he started... hopefully all is well and good with his major project undertaking.

Now for those who might just be in his shoes today...here is my two cents on such a implementation.

The shear scope of his project begged 1st of all that a VAN be selected .... Advatis, Ordernet, harbinger.net, GEIS they are all good at what they provide.

I have been an EDI consultant for the past 10 years and most companies that have embraced EDI have a backlog of projects and trading partners. Web based may sound good to you ... but how does it play with the 100's of potential TP's mentioned? I can almost hear their groans ... and then placing your web based project on their back burners.

It can be assumed that most of Badfish's potential trading partners utilize traditional EDI. There is a reason for this in that each TP can batch up there invoices, purchase orders, ASN's, etc and send them off to the VAN and not have to worry whether their TP has a particular flavor of software. Because they have gone "live" it is assumed that their TP is now ready, willing, and able to receive those documents from the VAN. This is usually done at a shared cost.

A bigger "push" in the real world of today than AS2 (excuse me WalMart and the few others who are shoving this down folks throats) is to utilize IP technology to FTP documents via the internet, or via VAN. Files are imported and exported into a tradional EDI translator, and then sent on their way via FTP. This essentially eliminates most of the cost related to VAN charges.

The ability to go this way however is not a slam dunk as the way in which one exchanges documents with their TP is a negotiated method, hence Trading Partner Agreements.

The sheer scope of the described project begged for a batched approach. Many web based solutions are for those who have a limited budget and number of TP's. One does not want to have a room full of people interactively going out to various web sites to retrieve documents. Automation is essential. 3000 vendors and over 300 customers are a lot of transactions folks!
Does anyone know where I can get a definition of how to produce ASN's for ourselves? We have a requirement to produce ASN's in raw EDI format and want to investigate how much work would be involved vs. buying a commercial Mapper, but finding information on how to go about it is proving to be a challenge. Anyone know where to go for info?


- Bill

Bill Richards

Kamino Limited
Hi EDILearner

Who do you have to do the ASN for. I use dicentral. If you can get the PO and CC it to them they have a web-based idea so that you can go on the net and do the ASN. You wont have to build the map at all. They deal with many of the retailers who you have to do the ASN for. Target JCPenney Sears BBB LNT Boscov Saks and more. It allows you the create the UCC 128 label and print it to any printer. It makes thing very easy.

It all looks fine, but our favoured scenario requires that we produce ASN's and pass them to someone else's software, hence my question. Got any other ideas?


- Bill

Bill Richards

Kamino Limited
TO: EDILearner

Is it that you want to custom build an ASN directly from data without having to use a "translator/compliance checker"? Like you sent the same thing at the same quanity to the same customer, just the shipment info for truck, trailer, SCAC, bar codes changes?

You should get the specifications from your Trading Partner who is asking for the ASN.

How do intend on delivering the ASN once its built?

How are you currently receiving the PO/REL/Planning schedule now?

Have you thought of using the inbound document as a beginning template for the ASN?


Let me know if any of this is applicable to your project.

Hope it helps.

If you don't know what your doing or where your going, make sure to ask someone! I am sure someone has an answer for you.
Please look at our product net.Acrossbiz - any document to any document translation technology. we can build the rules files specific to your requirements and you are ready to go.

Please write to rajn@netprise.com

There are several solutions that can assist with your initiative. There are now hosted, data transformation and trasport services that can support anydata types, including XML. Please feel free to contact me for additional information.
Need to generate an ASN file that can be mapped into the Walmart ASN requirement - does anyone know how to find the requirement - as I can't find it anywhere.

If your a Walmart vendor you should have access to their retail-link web site, see your administrator. The retail-link web site has edi documention on asn format.

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