Just installed a new PRI on a BCM 400 3.7.
The customer is complaining of echoing on in/out bound calls.
Not on all calls....
Any ideas???
Also-we converted from analog lines to did on pri.
With the analog lines the customer was use to putting the call on hold-and who ever had the appearence of that line could pick-up the call.
Now with pri/did/target line who ever answers the line and puts it on hold-it is only on hold on the phone where it was answered.
The problem is they now have to park the call & page vs. simply putting the call on hold.
Any ideas-SWCA?etc...
Thank you
The customer is complaining of echoing on in/out bound calls.
Not on all calls....
Any ideas???
Also-we converted from analog lines to did on pri.
With the analog lines the customer was use to putting the call on hold-and who ever had the appearence of that line could pick-up the call.
Now with pri/did/target line who ever answers the line and puts it on hold-it is only on hold on the phone where it was answered.
The problem is they now have to park the call & page vs. simply putting the call on hold.
Any ideas-SWCA?etc...
Thank you