I'm running on a z/OS mf and trying to do a simple EBCDIC to ASCII conversion. I need an ASCII input file to create a self-decrypting archive in PGP on the mainframe for later FTP and use on a Windows platform. I can FTP the process input to the server in ASCII mode, then back to the mf in binary mode and that accomplishes the goal, but isn't exactly the best solution. I've tried setting a Special-Names alphabet clause to standard-1 and adding code-set to the FD. It compiles, but doesn't run (it gets an open error on the output). All the program does is read the input record, and immediately write the output record from the input area. Does anybody have, or know where to link to, some simple COBOL examples of a process that will do this, including the DD's from the jcl? Other suggestions included ALTSEQ in sort, or REXX translate, neither of which was particularly palatable based on the setup of each hex value and it's counterpart.