i know I'll kick myself in the butt when I see some of your replies... can anyone tell me the "modern" way to program TOD in a vector? Let me explain... My call center has 3 departments... Sales, Service and Billing. Say they all operate at different times of day and day of week. Lets say I have a good reason to have 20 vectors for Sales. Now let’s say that Sales changed their operational hours. Instead of going in to 20 vectors and editing the times can I manage a tod schedule (something like a holiday table)out side of the vector in one place and refer to a tod table managed somewhere else. My goal is to be able to go to a single table to make a change opposed to changing 20 vectors. It would also be nice to put hours into a table in AM-PM opposed to military time and say we are open from 8am - 5pm and let the vectoring send the call to the closed message based on the implied closed time. Am as asking for too much here?