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easy sql question - group by 2

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Nov 27, 2001
Suppose I have a table that looks something like this

Name Dep Salary
Mark IT 40
Jim Sales 50
Jon IT 60
Sue Sales 70

I want to select the name of the person with the maximum salary in each department, their salary and the department they work for, ie

Name Dep Max(Salary)
Jon IT 60
Sue Sales 70

This does not work
Select Name, Max(Salary), Dep from Table Group by Dep;

because it produces the error "not a group by expression"

And neither does this
Select Name, Max(Salary), Dep from Table Group by Dep, Name;

because it basically returns the whole table

I can't find any help on this

Surely it is not that difficult?

Have not tried, but it can give you at least an inspiration:
[tt]select tab.name, tab.dep, tab.salary
from (
Select dep, Max(Salary) as sal
from Table
Group by Dep) as maxs,
table tab
where tab.dep = maxs.dep
and tab.salary = maxs.salary
You could try:

select name, salary, dep
from table,
where (salary, dep) in
( select max(salary), dep
from table
group by dep)

If more than one emp has a salary equial to the max for the dept, they will all show up.
Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
This also works:

select e.ename, e.sal, e.deptno
from emp e,
(select max(m.sal) sal,m.deptno
from emp m group by m.deptno) m
where m.sal = e.sal
and m.deptno = e.deptno

Thomas V. Flaherty Jr.
Birch Hill Technology Group, Inc.
Thanks guys - we figured out yet another way of doing it as well

select name, dep, salary from table where salary||dep in(
select max(salary)||dep saldept from table group by dep);
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