Hi All
Still trying to get our dialler to dial over an E1 connection.
At present, we have a server with an Intel D300 Dialogic card, connected to an E1 lineside card in our Option 81 Switch.
The link is up, no alarms at either end, but we cant get the dialler to dial over this link
We have 30 analogue 500 sets configured on the E1 card, and the DN's are aquired.
The only thought i have is that we may not have a tone detector car on the shelf that the E1 card is installed. Im not local to the site so cant tell from looking.
Would a tone detector card be required for an E1 lineside card? The think that is leading me to think is, is that on our dialler server, we are getting 'no ringback tone' in the logs.
Any help apreciated, am tearing my hair out now!
Still trying to get our dialler to dial over an E1 connection.
At present, we have a server with an Intel D300 Dialogic card, connected to an E1 lineside card in our Option 81 Switch.
The link is up, no alarms at either end, but we cant get the dialler to dial over this link
We have 30 analogue 500 sets configured on the E1 card, and the DN's are aquired.
The only thought i have is that we may not have a tone detector car on the shelf that the E1 card is installed. Im not local to the site so cant tell from looking.
Would a tone detector card be required for an E1 lineside card? The think that is leading me to think is, is that on our dialler server, we are getting 'no ringback tone' in the logs.
Any help apreciated, am tearing my hair out now!