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E-Trust InoculateIT 6.0 - Cannot assign workstations to a branch

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Jan 2, 2002
I seem to be having trouble assigning 2 of our Windows 98 clients to a branch. All of the clients were installed with remote install, and all work fine except for these 2. In the Administrator View, when I right-click on one of the computers in question, I get a dialog box asking me to logon to that computer, instead of the "Assign to Branch" dialog box. Nothing I enter into this logon box works. I have uninstalled and reinstalled InoculateIT on the clients, to no avail. I have also installed the software on a machine just yesterday, and that computer works fine.

They are both Windows 98 machines, nothing special about them, and nothing different from the other machines here. We are running E-Trust InoculateIT 6.0.96 on a WinNT 4.0 SP6 Server.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

- Rob
Look on CA's web site. You will need to create an ino.sam file to place on the win98 machines. Their support site will walk you through it.
i am running e trust inoculatIT 6.0 How do I get my clients (95,98,2000) to get the new sign update that I just downloaded on to the server?
First of all, Dirk, thank you... I finally got it to work when I followed your advice.

Now, jsergi, to have your clients download the new signature updates, you have to right-click on one of the clients in InoculateIT administrator and select "Configure Distribution Settings". First, schedule the download to repeat every 1 day, or however often you like. Then, click on the Incoming tab and Add a Redistribution Server. This should be the server that downloads the signature updates from the CA FTP site. If you do not have that already setup, now is a good time to do that.

To setup a distribution rule, goto Configuration Settings, then Enforced Policies, then Signature Distribution, and setup the rule there. Then name the rule and assign it to the tree or branch in which your clients reside.

Sorry if this is not detailed enough, I wrote this really quick while on hold with some other tech support. ope this helps though.

- Rob
I have had a similar problem to Robbo19 in that I could not get a 95 and an XP machine to the correct branch. In following the steps on the CA web site I managed to get the 95 machine to work , but the Windows XP machine is still being a pain. It refuses to let me log on and administer it and change the branch , it is only a client machine and this setup has worked before on a different system. Only difference with this system is that it is a laptop connecting via wireless networking. I don't think that this should cause any problems .... but you never know with software !

Any help would be great as I am growing old waiting for CA to reply to my question.
I've had a similar problem with a scattering of differnt clients, both Windows 2000, Win9x and NT. I have some of each that were finally discovered, but some will attach to a branch, others won't.

I hate CA with a passion.
Hey hey hey. In have a solution , well for my problem anyway. I found the problem occured on laptops where I had left the windows default Administrator account alone and not assigned a password( so that it may be used off the network) Now this causes InoculateIT to not allow you to assign to a branch if you try to administrate it with the Administrator account. As soon as you add another user account with Administrator privilages that also has the same privilages on the network , bingo , it will allow you to assign the machine with that account.
Hope that this works for all concerned, and Jim , sorry but after three identicle e-mails from the CA support team telling me to do what I had already explained that I had done , I gave up. If you have the power I would have a look at your support techs and make sure they are actually reading the ENTIRE question before answering, and that they are not suggesting the same solution as the previous tech.
I have had similar problems with windows 2000 machines. I found that my problem was that on select machines TCP/IP was not bound to the Client for Microsoft Networks. Enabling this in the advanced section of the Network and Dialup connections fixed it and thanks to Netdiag.exe. hope that this helps future troubleshooters.
I received this info from CA. Haven't had a chance to try it myself as my affected client is quite a distance away.
Let me know if any of this works.

This is regarding issue no: 12027463 concerning not being able to assign the workstations to the branch. Please check the following: 1. From the Admin Server are you able to ping the workstations (which cause t his issue) with the -a switch? The command would be: ping -a IPAddress (of the workstation). The response for the ping should first resolve the workstation name and then the replies should follow.

2. Add the following value to the registry on the Admin Server and on the wor
tkstations: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\InoculateIT\6.0\RPCMtAdn
dword value called: MaxConcurrentRequests
dword value, and set it to 600 hex

3. On the Admin Server and the workstations check if the page pool size is se t to 0. Refer to URL for more details:
4. Make sure that the Domain Admin Account is a member of all local groups an d that the Local Admin Account is a member of the Administrators group.

5. Give the System Account Full Control on the Inoculate folder on the Admin Server and on the workstations.

6. Finally reset the local Administrator passwords on the workstations and th en Synchronise the Domain before attempting to move the machine to the branch in the Admin View.
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