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Dynamic Where Clause using DBI

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Oct 6, 2005
I've got an interesting problem that I'm trying to resolve in Perl and I need some advice. Perhaps someone has run into this before. I'll do my best to keep this simple. I have a form my user fills out. This form is basically nothing more than "where clause" criteria from which I need to build a SQL statement. The problem I have is that there are 6 option buttons that can check. I want to avoid having a SQL statement for every and all possible combinations of each of these 6 options. Do you see where I'm going with this? That would be UGLY!

Is there a way to dynamically build the where clause based on what option buttons they have chosen? I have a bunch of variables that I set based on what option buttons that have selected.

Here's an example. If they have chosen promo_code and stock_class options, run the sql below minus the supp_code and min_name lines. If they have chosen promo_code and min_name options, run it without stock_class and supp_code. I think you get the picture.

Select item, loc, abccode
from sku
where loc = ?
  and item = ?
  and promo_code in (blah, blah, blah)
  and stock_class in (blah, blah, blah)
  and supp_code in (blah, blah, blah)
  and min_name in (blah, blah, blah)
Here's the code you are looking for. As far as your concern about the SQL injection attack, is this a concern if this is an app that is only run within our network?

# Prepare a SQL statement for execution  
my $sql = "SELECT param
                , value 
             FROM pac.promo_params 
            WHERE plnrcode = ? 
              AND processflag = 'N'
         ORDER BY param, value";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

# Execute the statement in the database

my $category = what_category_do_we_process($planner);
LogMsg("You are processing Category " . $category . " criteria records.");
LogMsg("Reading criteria records from PAC.PROMO_PARAMS TABLE in database = " . $instance);

# Fetch rows into a hash reference with lowercase field names and load arrays
while ($hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc')) 
  LogMsg("Param: $hash_ref->{param}   \tValue: $hash_ref->{value}");

	$dealerlocations_found 	= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Loc"						  );
	$dealergroups_found 		= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DlrGrp"				  );
	$abc_found							= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Abc"						  );
	$daysofsupply_found			= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DaysOfSupply"	  );	
	$promocodes_found 			= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "PromoCode"			  );
	$stkclasses_found 			= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "StkClass"			  );
	$dlrsplrcodes_found 		= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DlrSplrCode"		  );
	$altdlrsplrcodes_found	= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "AltDlrSplrCode"  );
	$distchannels_found 		= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DistChannel"		  );
	$targetamount_found 		= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "TargetAmount"	  );
	$items_found 						= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Item"					  );
	$minnames_found 				= 1 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "MinName"				  );

	$targetamt    = $hash_ref->{value} if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "TargetAmount");
	$daysofsupply = $hash_ref->{value} if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DaysofSupply");

  # push all data from the promo_params table into arrays. From these arrays we will
  # build the strings that are fed to the various queries
  push @dlrloc_array, $hash_ref->{value} 				 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Loc");
  push @dlrgrp_array, $hash_ref->{value} 				 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DlrGrp");
  push @abccode_array, $hash_ref->{value} 			 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Abc");
  #push @daysofsupply_array, $hash_ref->{value} 	 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DaysOfSupply");
  push @promocode_array, $hash_ref->{value} 		 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "PromoCode");
  push @stkclass_array, $hash_ref->{value} 			 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "StkClass");
  push @dlrsuppcode_array, $hash_ref->{value} 	 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DlrSplrCode");
  push @altdlrsuppcode_array, $hash_ref->{value} if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "AltDlrSplrCode");
  push @distchan_array, $hash_ref->{value} 			 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "DistChannel");
  push @items_array, $hash_ref->{value} 				 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "Item");
  push @minnames_array, $hash_ref->{value} 			 if ($hash_ref->{param} eq "MinName");

IMHO, you're using waay too many data structures there that you really don't need. This is something like what I had in mind (I've only used the flags you mentioned in your earlier posts but it should be easy enough to adapt to do the whole lot). I haven't tested this properly BTW - it's mostly to show what I'm on about:
# set the table to map the values we get from fetchrow_hashref to the field names
# we need for our $qry
my %table => (
   PromoCode => 'promo_code',
   StkClass => 'stock_class',
   DistChannel => 'dist_channel',
   DlrSplrCode => 'dlr_supp_code',
   AltDlrSplrCode => 'alt_dlr_supp_code',
   MinName => 'min_name'

# get our data
my %data;
while ($hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc'))
  LogMsg("Param: $hash_ref->{param}   \tValue: $hash_ref->{value}");
  # only add the data if it's a recognised key in %table - support for extra
  # data can be added by just inserting a single extra line into %table
  push @{ $data{ $hash_ref->{param} }, $hash_ref->{value} if ( $table{ $hash_ref->{param} );


# start with the initial query
my $qry = q!SELECT a.loc,
     , a.p_abc
     FROM stsc.sku a
        , stsc.loc b
        , stsc,item c
    WHERE a.loc = '$loc'
      AND a.p_abc IN ($abc)!;

# store the parameters for our placeholders
my @bind_params;

# for all the data we're given, extend the query appropriately
for my $k ( keys %data ) {
   my @values = @{ $data{$k} };
   $qry .= " AND $table{$k} IN (" . join( ', ', ('?') x @values ) . ')';
   push @bind_params, @values;

# add on the last part
$qry .= ' ORDER BY a.loc, a.item';

# prepare and execute the query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $qry );
$sth->execute( @bind_params );
Wow, that's an interesting way of doing this. Thanks so much for the education. I've learned a lot.

I'm getting this error:

Useless use of hash element in void context at promo1.pl line 134

on this line:
  push @{ $data{ $hash_ref->{param} }, $hash_ref->{value} if ( $table{ $hash_ref->{param} } );

I resolved it myself so thanks for all your help. Is there a way to print out what the $qry variable looks like before the execute statement? I put in a print stmt but all I see is the placeholders. I want to see the AND a.p_abc IN ('A','B','C'), etc. because I'm still getting this error:

Can't call method "execute" on an undefined value at promo1.pl line 206
Not that I'm aware of. That error suggests that the "prepare" call didn't behave the way we expected.

See if you can get an error message with this:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $qry ) or die $dbh->errstr;
Thanks. That caught the fact that I had fat fingered a table name that wasn't being found. Good call!

I've added this to my code to dump the fetched rows into an array. When I display each row however, I am seeing something like this: ARRAY(0x110c465a0)

I've seen this before. What does this mean?

my ($col1, $col2, $col3);
$sth_X->bind_col(1, \$col1);
$sth_X->bind_col(2, \$col2);
$sth_X->bind_col(3, \$col3);

my @results;

while ($sth_X->fetch) 
		# push fetched columns into an array
  	push @results, [ $col1, $col2, $col3 ];

foreach my $line (@results)
It means that you're printing a reference to an array. You're making a 2-dimensional array with that code (i.e. everything you're pushing into @results is a reference to an array). For checking the contents of data structures like this, the Data::Dumper module is invaluable:
# at the top of your script
use Data::Dumper;

print Dumper(@results);
That worked! One last question and I promise I'll leave you alone. You have taught me a lot and I truly appreciate the effort.

If the user has chosen the PromoCode option, I need to check to see if the values they enter exist in any of 20 fields, each called p_model01ind, p_model02ind, p_model03ind, etc. What I want to end up with is something that looks like this:

AND ((c.p_model01ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model02ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model03ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model04ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model05ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model06ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model07ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model08ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model09ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model10ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model11ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model12ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model13ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model14ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model15ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model16ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model17ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model18ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model19ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?)
   OR c.p_model20ind IN (?, ?, ?, ?))

I've made up this code that will create this part of the where clause, but I can't figure out how to build it back into the script that you have helped me with. I had to replace the @val with a 4 in this example.
$col_beg = "c.p_model";
$col_end = "ind";

print "\n";

for ($i = 1; $i < 21; $i++)
  $num = sprintf '%02s', $i;
  $newcol = $col_beg . $num . $col_end;

  if ($i == 1)
    print "AND \(\($newcol IN (" . join( ', ', ('?') x 4 ) . ')',"\n";
  elsif ($i > 1 && ($i < 20))
    print "   OR $newcol IN (" . join( ', ', ('?') x 4 ) . ')',"\n";
    print "   OR $newcol IN (" . join( ', ', ('?') x 4 ) . '))',"\n";
If there is anyone out there that can help with this last part I would greatly appreciate your help.
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Part and Inventory Search

