Hi Folks,
Is there someway to declare file defination whose record length and record format coming in dynamically when running the program.
I can mingle around with the logic to populate this in a variable before opening the file...
It *might* work for creating a "not known at compile time" recrod length. However, it is certainly NOT supported for that purpose - and therefore, may fail in the future.
The bottom-line is that there is NO truly supported way to do this.
Another (unsupported) solution (for QSAM - nto VSAM) would be to create a "random" record layout in your source fprogram; after you OPEN the file, do a CALL "assembler-program" USING FD-name.
Then the Assembler subprogram will receive addresability to the DCB and could "manually" modify the attributes.
HOWEVER, the bottom-line is that (Standard and/or IBM) COBOL is NOT intended to create "dynamic" files.
I'm having the same issue when attempting to process multiple input file with varing record length in a single program. I've tried everything listed for this but still have not solved the problem. Slade cau you share a cpy of CHARLIE HOTTEL code?
I want to thank those of you (Slade, Crox, WMK, webRabbit) that took the time to assist me in this. I was able to use the ideas in the code provided by Slade to determine the LRECL of the input files. This was a big help. Next, I wanted to use the input lengths to dynamically determine an output length. I couldn't find a way to handle that part (see other postings), but I finally settled on using RECFM=V output file (even though all the records are the same length) -- not quite what I wanted, but close.
I wonder what would happen if I used the same code Slade provided to find the LRECL and write a new value to it (after opening it with a very large LRECL, but never yet writing) -- would this work, or would Cobol choke on the first write?
Just a reminder to anyone working with an IBM mainframe COBOL compiler - and creating (OPEN OUTPUT) RECFM=V files.
Make certain that you use the AWO compiler option. To the besto of my knowledge, this compiler option NEVER causes a problem - and is always a "performance" (and space) benefit when writing blocked VB files.
Slade, any chance I could get a copy of that famous COBOL-program? I have sent you my e-mail address.
I am working with a similar problem trying to write a general program that works on different input and output files - record sizes not known until run time.
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