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Dynamic Layers

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Dec 29, 2003
Hi All,

My site is based around php and mysql. On a page I have a list of information taken from an sql query and clicking on a link takes you to a detail page. All fairly basic stuff.

I want to change part of the design though so that if the mouse is hovered over an item in the list a layer is shown with further details of the item rather than going to another page e.g. a description.

I know how to hide and show layers but I can't get my head around getting the layer to show the right data for the item.

Is this possible and how can I go about it?


Hi rayguncrane!
I think u can do it much like u have described....
when u hoover the layers show.....so basically all u need is
"onMouseOver =
'show/hide'+submit this form (to the same page)
'show/hide' + 'gotoULR' (essentially submit by url)

Now the real quest is Summary-details concepts...which means that u have to filter records all on the same page. Depending on how much info needs to be filtered out it might take a LOOOOONG time for your pages to process, so overall I would not suggest this ...hence, most dynamic pages are structed into two processes...
othwise there would never be need for DB normalization....but I might be taking this too far!
Write some more about your project, this needs to be handcoded!
All the best!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!
Thanks for the repsonse lebisol.

Yes, I think I see what you mean. On balance it probably would take too long to download making my site unusable.

Might try a small test to see how slow. But for now putting the idea aside to the nice to have but not essential pile!

Hey Ray!
Now that I think about this a bit more...
U would have to either:
-make sure that show/hide layer has some sort of a 'variable switch' so when u submit=relaod page the default stage of hidden layer is "hidden"
....this would mean hand coding the JS produced by DW
- filter two recordsets ( filter 2nd a recordset by results of of 1st)
...this would probably give the nasty load time after u get significant amount of records.

Also, if u want to go with this look of "dynamic details in layers" concept perhaps using "sliding layers" (much like collapsible menues) so that "details" dont overlap "results" but rather 'pushe them down'
I belive that there was an extention for this JS...

Good luck!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!
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Part and Inventory Search

