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Dynamic DNS-IP, Dialup and ISA / IIS 5.0

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Jun 10, 2001
Ok all you gurus, I would love it if someone else has already tried this however...

Goal: To access my web server (IIS 5) that connects to internet via dialup, running ISA firewall also on same dialup, continuously from internet using DNS via a dynamic dns service (in this case **recommended**)

Config: Everything sits on the same W2K server box for now - 56kbp dialup interface, ISA configured to listen for inbound requests on port 80 for HTTP which will route to website (still on same box) on port 81 using a web publishing rule, HTTP/FTP fully open, default web site allows anonymous access etc.. Latest service packs / updates applied. Security is minimal at present until system darn well works properly.

In the beginning: On machine boot it runs beautifully, the dynamic dns client on server happily detects IP on dialup interface and notifies dyndns accordingly, any requests made via ping/browser to the web server are acknowledged/page served

And then (This is where I get stuck btw): once the dialup has disconnected and then reconnected, new ip allocated from ISP, ip updated at dyndns etc. the following occurs - can ping the dns name fine (my server's new ip is returned) but when trying an HTTP request I get error messages such as 10060 (timeout) etc., and the page is not displayed.

Conclusion: I have no idea as yet, tried many different things and would love a fresh look at it from another colleague out there, did the wise move of just opening up everything but no joy - I hazard a guess that it might be something to do with my local dns config or the ISA LAT but still have not been able to figure it out. Oh and of course in true IT style FTP works fine.

Well all I can say now is any replies or suggestions no matter how daft would be welcome.

Waiting in antici...pation.


Further information: when I force a re-start of the ISA services (using server props. page to change a listener then change it back which then requests a re-start - please tell me if you know a better way) the service works fine again, therefore I believe that this problem could possibly be narrowed down to the behaviour of the listeners and/or LAT / NAT behaviours.

Still trying to figure it out so any help appreciated.


I tried very hard to get ISA server to work properly with a dynamic IP (cable modem), however I could not find a way to reliably publish a server. I found an article on ISAserver.org regarding the setup of ISA server with a dynamic IP--maybe it will help you. Search the articles... you will find it. Good luck.
Well, more information...but no solution yet:

Q: ISA server connected to Internet via cable modem or ADSL with dynamic IP. Is there a way for ISA to autodetect that the external IP has changed? At the moment, you have to manually update it.

Host Guest_Zachary_MS:
A: As Mike Chan said, this is a known problem that we are addressing. It may be possible to script this through the ISA Server Administration COM object, or something with Windows Script. You can send us an e-mail privately if you'd like to follow up with us as well.

Any programmers have a script to demonstrate this?

Thanks, Ed
I have the same problem.I use Isa server 2000 with IIS 5.0 on windows 2000 advaced server.(all on the same box)And I use changeIP.com for DDNs.(very good)
When I connect to my pulished web sites it is all working ok
until I update my website with a new IP.

What I have to do is:
Expand monitoring-> services there I have 2 services web proxy and firewall.
If you look at the web proxy there is still and old session active, so I have to stop then start the web proxy service.
When I do that the websites are working again.

But of course it should not be like that!

I now trying to figure out how to kill the old session when the internet connection is broken.

If anybody know a workaround please tell!

Dr. Shinder at ISAserver.org created a script that fires on a Network IP change alert and updates the server publishing rules, this works.
Where can I find that Dr. Shinder script?

I have been looking in isaserver.org, but couldn't find it.

Best luck Hegris!! Sorry for delay..

Sub ResetServerPublishingRules(blnTestMode)

On Error Resume Next

'Create objects
Set objISA = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Set objArray = objISA.Arrays.Item("yourarrayname") 'Insert array name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If blnTestMode Then MsgBox &quot;The specified array was not found&quot;
Exit Sub
End If
Set objServer = objArray.Servers.Item(&quot;yourservername&quot;) 'Insert server name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If blnTestMode Then MsgBox &quot;The specified server was not found&quot;
Exit Sub
End If
Set objExtAdapter = objServer.Adapters.Item(objserver.adapters.count) 'Insert adapter index
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
If blnTestMode Then MsgBox &quot;The specified external adapter was not found&quot;
Exit Sub
End If

On Error Goto 0

'Get first IP address of external adapter
aryAdapterIP = Split(objExtAdapter.IpAddresses, &quot;,&quot;)
strExtIP = aryAdapterIP(0)

If blnTestMode Then
If MsgBox(&quot;Is &quot; & strExtIP & &quot; the correct external ip address?&quot;, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, &quot;Test Mode&quot;) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

'Set external IP address for each Server Publishing Rule
blnNeedRestart = False
For Each objRule In objArray.Publishing.ServerPublishingRules
If objRule.ExternalIp <> strExtIP Then
objRule.ExternalIp = strExtIP
blnNeedRestart = True
End If

'Restart Web Proxy service
If blnNeedRestart Then
objServer.StopWebProxyService(True) 'Wait until complete
End If

End Sub

Call ResetServerPublishingRules(False) 'Change to False for normal mode
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