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Dynamic Delete using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 1

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Dec 11, 2003
Hi I writting a procedure that deletes selected log tables from the database.
I am trying to use a string which depending on the else-if statment concatanates a different where clause to it. I am trying to write a dynamic procedure because The screen works on 52 different log screens. These logs are on serate tab pages, so I can easly creat a string to delete from the correct log with the correct where clause, 1-4 possibillities on the where, all passed into sql_statement_ varchar2(250) However when I try

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_statement_ ;

I get an error message on keyword IMMEDIATE, this is my first time with this statment so am at abit of a loss as to know why?

Do I have to turn sql_statement_ into a procedure somehow, before I can EXECUTE IMMEDIATE

I have hit abit of a wall on this, so as always your advice and tips are greatly recieved.
Indie :)
Hi, Im using Form Builder in Oralce Developer 6.0 with Oracle 8 Drivers I think.
If you call this code from Forms trigger, it shouldn't work beacause it's executed by client-side pl/sql engine, that is quite old. Try FORMS_DDL built-in instead (or DBMS_SQL package if you need more advanced features).

Regards, Dima
Cheers Sem, I will give this a try, no-doubt I will be back. Because I am writing reusable componants I have created more development time for myself :)
We have Oracle 9i knocking about on the network but getting hold of it is not that easy. So just have to work with the tools ive got I suppose. Cheers again Sem
Indie :)
Is anything else I need to do. As I can compile ok now. But it wont delete. This is my phrasing..

FORMS_DDL('BEGIN DELETE FROM ' ||sql_statement_ ||'WHERE BATCH_LD_ID = '||v_batch_id|| '; END;');

sql_statment_ is full table name, which I have checked with message('Table in statment is:'||sql_statement_ );
And v_batch_id is also correct in this instance it = E

The code is in a procedure which is called for a when-button-pressed trigger. I also tryed putting the code directly into the button-pressed-trigger all sadly to no avail...
Check the command you're trying to execute. Your statement contains no space between table name and WHERE. Besides if v_batch_id is not a NUMBER, it probably should be quoted.

Regards, Dima
I noticed that, when tryed experimenting with:

cursor_hndlr := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
sql_statement_try := 'Delete from '|| sql_statement_ ||' Where log_status = '||v_log_status;
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cursor_hndlr, sql_statement_try, 1);
update_applied := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cursor_hndlr);

..But still no joy on that or Forms_DDL. I couldn't work out how to put qoutes into a string, as its not hard coded, its taken from the form directly. But I am designing it to work on two fields, one being the char of log status, but the other is a number, and I get the same message of no changes to save, after commit.

I dont understand. using Forms_ddl i get the correct statment going into the string, which when statment put into toad executes correctly, and deletes from the database.

Forget that last bit, I have got Forms_DDL to delete on Number, Thanks alot sem for all your help. I didnt notice because I forgot to excute_statment to refresh my screen, opps!
I still need to work out how to put quotation marks into a string so I can delete on log_status. I think you can escape the metecharacters with a backslash in unix, but that doesn't work in forms. Ar well Thanks again.

Si :)
To embed quotes into string literal you should double them:

SQL> select 'O''Henry' from dual;


Or, if your log_status is a string:

...' Where log_status = '''||v_log_status||'''';

With DBMS_SQL as well as with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE you may BIND variables instead of generating "disposable" statements, so FORMS_DDL is quite restrictive.

Regards, Dima
Cheers sem,
I had to play around with it abit, but your advice put me on the right track.

Quote_ varchar2(10);
v_log_status VARCHAR2(1);


Quote_ := '''';
v_log_status := :DELETE_BLK.ls;

FORMS_DDL('BEGIN DELETE FROM ' ||sql_statement_ ||' WHERE log_status = '||Quote_||v_log_status||Quote_||'; END;');


Thanks for all your help.
Si :)

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