Hi there:
I'm posting here after searching through the forums, and after having spoken to a CISCO pre-sales support rep. who told me that none of the CISCO firewall products have a built-in feature to accomplish what I want to do, but that he has seen PERL scripts do the job. I Google'd for such scripts but came up empty-handed. I'm hoping someone here can help.
PROBLEM: Our customers/subscribers must access a secure resource (i.e., server) behind the corporate firewall. Each time a customer connects, he will have a different IP address. First he will login to our corporate web-site which will authenticate him (via standard http username/password), then grab his IP address. This IP address then needs to be added to the firewall which sits between the corporate web-site and the resource which he is going to access. Only after it has been added, will the firewall permit him access. When he terminates his session, the IP address needs to be taken off the firewall.
Adding and deleting the IP address needs to be done dynamically, with no interruption to other subscribers who may be connected concurrently to said resource.
The CISCO pre-sales rep said that the PIX family of firewalls allow such dynamic updating via PERL scripts, and that he wasn't aware of any builtin functions which would facilitate that.
I've looked for such scripts but haven't found any. Does anybody have any suggestions? Scripts? Web-sites? Other forums? Workarounds? Other firewall products which make this procedure easier?
All assistance greatly appreciated.