I have a problem obtaining the correct duration in days.
As an example,
Task 1 Start: 24/03/03 End: 24/03/03 Duration: 0.88
The duration shown by MS Project is 0.88 instead of 1 day
This is very strange and I can't seem to identify why it does this. The calendar and non-working schedule is set to the default 8am - 5pm if this helps at all.
Please help as it gives a very inaccurate count of total days spent on a project. Thanks.
As an example,
Task 1 Start: 24/03/03 End: 24/03/03 Duration: 0.88
The duration shown by MS Project is 0.88 instead of 1 day
This is very strange and I can't seem to identify why it does this. The calendar and non-working schedule is set to the default 8am - 5pm if this helps at all.
Please help as it gives a very inaccurate count of total days spent on a project. Thanks.