Below is my SQL statement for a report I have. I added the DISTINCT so that when it finds a duplicate entrie but it still does not work. Can someone help with this PLEASE.
SELECT DISTINCT [tblEnduser].[EU_EID], [tblEnduser].[EU_NAME], [tblEnduser].[EU_Phone], [tblEnduser].[tblroom], [tblAsset].[AssetSN], [tblAsset].[AssetManu], [tblAsset].[AssetModel]
FROM tblEnduser INNER JOIN tblAsset ON [tblEnduser].[EU_EID]=[tblAsset].[OwnerEID]
ORDER BY [tblEnduser].[EU_NAME];
Thank you for all help
SELECT DISTINCT [tblEnduser].[EU_EID], [tblEnduser].[EU_NAME], [tblEnduser].[EU_Phone], [tblEnduser].[tblroom], [tblAsset].[AssetSN], [tblAsset].[AssetManu], [tblAsset].[AssetModel]
FROM tblEnduser INNER JOIN tblAsset ON [tblEnduser].[EU_EID]=[tblAsset].[OwnerEID]
ORDER BY [tblEnduser].[EU_NAME];
Thank you for all help