I've a curious problem. I have a page with a form and submit button. The data captured to be carried forward is a simple number that is part of the recordset. However, when it reaches the next page, the number has a duplicate of itself in the variable. For instance, say the value for the record/field is 657. When it gets to the next page, it becomes 657, 657!
Here is the submit code... and I did a response.write to be sure it did get padded here instead of in my next page...
<td align=left >
<Form method="post" action="pds_mailupdate.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="pdsid2" value=<% =objRst.fields("PDS_ID" %> >
<input type="submit" value="Finalize"></td>
<td align=right > <Form method="post" action="pds_detailexisting.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="pdsid2" value=<% =objRst.fields("PDS_ID" %> >
<input type="submit" value="Edit"></td>
When the pds_mailupdate.asp opens, the pdsid2 has been padded... I checked by having the response.write write to the page so I can see if the variable shows that...
strPDSID = request.form("pdsid2"
response.write strpdsid
Anyone have any clude why this is happening?? Mary
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)
Here is the submit code... and I did a response.write to be sure it did get padded here instead of in my next page...
<td align=left >
<Form method="post" action="pds_mailupdate.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="pdsid2" value=<% =objRst.fields("PDS_ID" %> >
<input type="submit" value="Finalize"></td>
<td align=right > <Form method="post" action="pds_detailexisting.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="pdsid2" value=<% =objRst.fields("PDS_ID" %> >
<input type="submit" value="Edit"></td>
When the pds_mailupdate.asp opens, the pdsid2 has been padded... I checked by having the response.write write to the page so I can see if the variable shows that...
strPDSID = request.form("pdsid2"
response.write strpdsid
Anyone have any clude why this is happening?? Mary
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Rule 2: EVERYTHING is small stuff!! X-)