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DTS package not copying full set of data

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Jan 17, 2002

We have a DTS package that truncates the destination table and copies data into the destination from a source database on the same server. When we schedule the package or run it through Enterprise manager on the local machine, it succeeds. When it is run through Enterprise Manager from a remote machine (Win2000 or WinXP), the DTS package does not give us the correct results. The SQL Task to truncate runs successfully. When the Data Transform Task runs the task itself succeeds, but only transfers a small portion of the records (31 out of 14500). The server is up to date on patches and is on Win2000. This package has worked for over a year previous to this problem. The only known change to the server since the last run is the installation of MDAC 2.8. Any help you can give would be great.


This is just a plain package with a data transform task. It's simplicity is what makes this so baffling.


Here is the VB version of the DTS package.

Hope this helps!


'Microsoft SQL Server 2000
'Visual Basic file generated for DTS Package
'File Name: C:\Documents and Settings\ramour\Desktop\TEST_S3_LOOKUP_IDX_SUBGROUP.bas
'Package Description: 
'Generated Date: 4/11/2005
'Generated Time: 9:47:57 AM

Option Explicit
Public goPackageOld As New DTS.Package
Public goPackage As DTS.Package2
Private Sub Main()
	set goPackage = goPackageOld

	goPackage.WriteCompletionStatusToNTEventLog = False
	goPackage.FailOnError = False
	goPackage.PackagePriorityClass = 2
	goPackage.MaxConcurrentSteps = 4
	goPackage.LineageOptions = 0
	goPackage.UseTransaction = True
	goPackage.TransactionIsolationLevel = 4096
	goPackage.AutoCommitTransaction = True
	goPackage.RepositoryMetadataOptions = 0
	goPackage.UseOLEDBServiceComponents = True
	goPackage.LogToSQLServer = False
	goPackage.LogServerFlags = 0
	goPackage.FailPackageOnLogFailure = False
	goPackage.ExplicitGlobalVariables = False
	goPackage.PackageType = 0

' create package connection information

Dim oConnection as DTS.Connection2

'------------- a new connection defined below.
'For security purposes, the password is never scripted

Set oConnection = goPackage.Connections.New("SQLOLEDB")

	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Integrated Security") = "SSPI"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Persist Security Info") = True
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Initial Catalog") = "STAGE1"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Data Source") = "ARCOS"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Application Name") = "DTS Designer"
	oConnection.Name = "ARCOS STAGE 1"
	oConnection.ID = 1
	oConnection.Reusable = True
	oConnection.ConnectImmediate = False
	oConnection.DataSource = "ARCOS"
	oConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 60
	oConnection.Catalog = "STAGE1"
	oConnection.UseTrustedConnection = True
	oConnection.UseDSL = False
	'If you have a password for this connection, please uncomment and add your password below.
	'oConnection.Password = "<put the password here>"

goPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing

'------------- a new connection defined below.
'For security purposes, the password is never scripted

Set oConnection = goPackage.Connections.New("SQLOLEDB")

	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Integrated Security") = "SSPI"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Persist Security Info") = True
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Initial Catalog") = "STAGE3"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Data Source") = "ARCOS"
	oConnection.ConnectionProperties("Application Name") = "DTS Designer"
	oConnection.Name = "ARCOS STAGE 3"
	oConnection.ID = 2
	oConnection.Reusable = True
	oConnection.ConnectImmediate = False
	oConnection.DataSource = "ARCOS"
	oConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 60
	oConnection.Catalog = "STAGE3"
	oConnection.UseTrustedConnection = True
	oConnection.UseDSL = False
	'If you have a password for this connection, please uncomment and add your password below.
	'oConnection.Password = "<put the password here>"

goPackage.Connections.Add oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing

' create package steps information

Dim oStep as DTS.Step2
Dim oPrecConstraint as DTS.PrecedenceConstraint

'------------- a new step defined below

Set oStep = goPackage.Steps.New

	oStep.Name = "DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1"
	oStep.Description = "Transform Data Task: undefined"
	oStep.ExecutionStatus = 1
	oStep.TaskName = "DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1"
	oStep.CommitSuccess = False
	oStep.RollbackFailure = False
	oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
	oStep.AddGlobalVariables = True
	oStep.RelativePriority = 3
	oStep.CloseConnection = False
	oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = False
	oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = False
	oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = False
	oStep.DisableStep = False
	oStep.FailPackageOnError = False
goPackage.Steps.Add oStep
Set oStep = Nothing

'------------- a new step defined below

Set oStep = goPackage.Steps.New

	oStep.Name = "DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3"
	oStep.Description = "TRUNCATE TABLE"
	oStep.ExecutionStatus = 1
	oStep.TaskName = "DTSTask_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3"
	oStep.CommitSuccess = False
	oStep.RollbackFailure = False
	oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
	oStep.AddGlobalVariables = True
	oStep.RelativePriority = 3
	oStep.CloseConnection = False
	oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = False
	oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = False
	oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = False
	oStep.DisableStep = False
	oStep.FailPackageOnError = False
goPackage.Steps.Add oStep
Set oStep = Nothing

'------------- a precedence constraint for steps defined below

Set oStep = goPackage.Steps("DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1")
Set oPrecConstraint = oStep.PrecedenceConstraints.New("DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3")
	oPrecConstraint.StepName = "DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3"
	oPrecConstraint.PrecedenceBasis = 1
	oPrecConstraint.Value = 0
oStep.precedenceConstraints.Add oPrecConstraint
Set oPrecConstraint = Nothing

' create package tasks information

'------------- call Task_Sub1 for task DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1 (Transform Data Task: undefined)
Call Task_Sub1( goPackage	)

'------------- call Task_Sub2 for task DTSTask_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3 (TRUNCATE TABLE)
Call Task_Sub2( goPackage	)

' Save or execute package

'goPackage.SaveToSQLServer "(local)", "sa", ""
'to save a package instead of executing it, comment out the executing package line above and uncomment the saving package line
set goPackage = Nothing

set goPackageOld = Nothing

End Sub

'------------- define Task_Sub1 for task DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1 (Transform Data Task: undefined)
Public Sub Task_Sub1(ByVal goPackage As Object)

Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup

Dim oCustomTask1 As DTS.DataPumpTask2
Set oTask = goPackage.Tasks.New("DTSDataPumpTask")
Set oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask

	oCustomTask1.Name = "DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1"
	oCustomTask1.Description = "Transform Data Task: undefined"
	oCustomTask1.SourceConnectionID = 1
	oCustomTask1.SourceObjectName = "[STAGE1].[dbo].[S1_LOOKUP_IDX_SUBGROUP]"
	oCustomTask1.DestinationConnectionID = 2
	oCustomTask1.DestinationObjectName = "[STAGE3].[dbo].[TEST_S3_LOOKUP_IDX_SUBGROUP]"
	oCustomTask1.ProgressRowCount = 1000
	oCustomTask1.MaximumErrorCount = 0
	oCustomTask1.FetchBufferSize = 5000
	oCustomTask1.UseFastLoad = True
	oCustomTask1.InsertCommitSize = 0
	oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter = "|"
	oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileRowDelimiter = vbCrLf
	oCustomTask1.AllowIdentityInserts = True
	oCustomTask1.FirstRow = "0"
	oCustomTask1.LastRow = "0"
	oCustomTask1.FastLoadOptions = 6
	oCustomTask1.ExceptionFileOptions = 1
	oCustomTask1.DataPumpOptions = 0
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub1( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub2( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub3( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub4( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub5( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub6( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub7( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub8( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub9( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub10( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub11( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub12( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub13( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub14( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub15( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub16( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub17( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub18( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub19( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub20( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub21( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub22( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub23( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub24( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub25( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub26( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub27( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub28( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub29( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub30( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub31( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub32( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub33( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub34( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub35( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub36( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub37( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub38( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub39( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub40( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub41( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub42( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub43( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub44( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub45( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub46( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub47( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub48( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub49( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub50( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub51( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub52( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub53( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub54( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub55( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub56( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub57( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub58( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub59( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub60( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub61( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub62( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub63( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub64( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub65( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub66( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub67( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub68( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub69( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub70( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub71( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub72( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub73( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub74( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub75( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub76( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub77( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub78( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub79( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub80( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub81( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub82( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub83( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub84( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub85( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub86( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub87( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub88( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub89( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub90( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub91( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub92( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub93( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub94( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub95( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub96( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub97( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub98( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub99( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub100( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub101( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub102( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub103( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub104( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub105( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub106( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub107( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub108( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub109( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub110( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub111( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub112( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub113( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub114( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub115( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub116( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub117( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub118( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub119( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub120( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub121( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub122( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub123( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub124( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub125( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub126( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub127( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub128( oCustomTask1	)
Call oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub129( oCustomTask1	)
goPackage.Tasks.Add oTask
Set oCustomTask1 = Nothing
Set oTask = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub1(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__1"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Record_Number" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Record_Number"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 120
			oColumn.Size = 0
			oColumn.DataType = 3
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Record_Number" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Record_Number"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 120
			oColumn.Size = 0
			oColumn.DataType = 3
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub2(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__2"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Inactive_flag" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Inactive_flag"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Inactive_flag" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Inactive_flag"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub3(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__3"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Deleted_flag" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Deleted_flag"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Deleted_flag" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Deleted_flag"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub4(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__4"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("XXName" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXName"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("XXName" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXName"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub5(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__5"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("XXMnemonic" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXMnemonic"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("XXMnemonic" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXMnemonic"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub6(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__6"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("XXNumber" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXNumber"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("XXNumber" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "XXNumber"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub7(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__7"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Billing_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Billing_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub8(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__8"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Billing_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Billing_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub9(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__9"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Address_line_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Address_line_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Address_line_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Address_line_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub10(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__10"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Address_line_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Address_line_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Address_line_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Address_line_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub11(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__11"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub12(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__12"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Billing_phone" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_phone"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Billing_phone" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Billing_phone"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub13(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__13"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub14(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__14"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Premium_billing_bill_message" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Premium_billing_bill_message"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Premium_billing_bill_message" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Premium_billing_bill_message"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub15(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__15"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Region" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Region"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Region" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Region"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub16(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__16"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("County_code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "County_code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("County_code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "County_code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub17(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__17"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Contact_person" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Contact_person"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Contact_person" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Contact_person"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub18(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__18"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Phone" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Phone"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Phone" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Phone"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub19(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__19"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub20(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__20"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub21(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__21"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_address_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_address_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_address_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_address_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub22(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__22"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_address_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_address_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_address_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_address_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub23(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__23"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub24(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__24"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Decision_maker_Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Decision_maker_Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Decision_maker_Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub25(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__25"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub26(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__26"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_contact_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_contact_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_contact_name" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_contact_name"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub27(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__27"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_contact_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_contact_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_contact_title" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_contact_title"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub28(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__28"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_address_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_address_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_address_1" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_address_1"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub29(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__29"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_address_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_address_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_address_2" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_address_2"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub30(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__30"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_citystate" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_citystate"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub31(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__31"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Union_Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Union_Zip_Code" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Union_Zip_Code"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub32(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__32"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Employer_type_A" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Employer_type_A"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Employer_type_A" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Employer_type_A"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub33(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__33"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Employer_type_B" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Employer_type_B"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Employer_type_B" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Employer_type_B"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub34(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__34"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Master_group" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Master_group"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Master_group" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Master_group"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub35(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Object)

	Dim oTransformation As DTS.Transformation2
	Dim oTransProps as DTS.Properties
	Dim oColumn As DTS.Column
	Set oTransformation = oCustomTask1.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")
		oTransformation.Name = "DTSTransformation__35"
		oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63
		oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0
		oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = False
		oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576
		oTransformation.TransformPhases = 4
		Set oColumn = oTransformation.SourceColumns.New("Group_type" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Group_type"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.SourceColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

		Set oColumn = oTransformation.DestinationColumns.New("Group_type" , 1)
			oColumn.Name = "Group_type"
			oColumn.Ordinal = 1
			oColumn.Flags = 104
			oColumn.Size = 250
			oColumn.DataType = 129
			oColumn.Precision = 0
			oColumn.NumericScale = 0
			oColumn.Nullable = True
		oTransformation.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn
		Set oColumn = Nothing

	Set oTransProps = oTransformation.TransformServerProperties

	Set oTransProps = Nothing

	oCustomTask1.Transformations.Add oTransformation
	Set oTransformation = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub oCustomTask1_Trans_Sub36(ByVal oCustomTask1 As Objec
Hi MacLeod72,
Have you solved problem. Now I has the same problem as yours.
Hello Jennifer-

My apololgies to all, as I thought I had updated this thread. It turned out that the server had been upgraded from SP3 to SP3A, and I didn't notice when yksvaan asked. When I upgraded my client tools to the same service pack, it started working again. Once again, my apologies and thanks for everyone's time.

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Part and Inventory Search

