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DST Exchange Update: Unable find mailbox timezone:

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Technical User
Sep 25, 2006
Hey all,

Anyone else have any issues running the exchange DST tool (MsExTmzCfg.exe).

I ran the tool, it scans every single mailbox but it gives me the following errors on all of them except 1 (Unable find mailbox timezone:Error 0x8004010F)

The process completed, but Mailboxes_1.txt only has 1 mailbox in it which is the one I created to run this tool. NonExistent.txt has all of the other mailboxes (150)

Anyone have any ideas on what is being done incorrectly? I'm 100% it's not a permission issue.

We also used WSUS to deploy the updates but unfortunately they were installed over 2 days for most computer that were in the office.
I used the switch with my exch server and depending when the update was applied I did have a few people's apts that should not have been adjusted. I just made people aware of it and no one has really complained yet. It really is only 3 wks of apts that could be off by 1hr, and if you are aware of this, its not a major problem.

If this is going to be a problem. I suppose you could use SUS to confirm when a computer was updated, then match that computer to the user(s) mailbox and date the switch appropriately. Then create different batches of users.

I ran the mailbox Time extraction on the entire server then I cut all the mailboxes out of the mailbox_1.txt file, leaving only 1-2 for testing. I ran a few 1-2 user tests to confirm the results and then put all the others back in the mailbox_1.txt file.

Just remember to exclude any mailboxes you ran during testing, I found if I ran it twice on the same mailbox it will move the apts 2x.

Since it has been over a week since the DST patches were applied, would it be smart to run the /ONLYCREATEDPREPATCH switch and set it for a date like 2/28?

By setting it for that date, I assue it would update all appts before 2/28 and not touch the ones added from 3/1 on?
Also, I could not find it...but is there a way in WSUS to show the date that the patch was installed per workstation?
After looking at WSUS you can get the info but it appears to be 1 computer at a time.

You can go to reports, status report, check Installed.
Then go to the KB931836, should be near bottom
Expand your computers, if you click the Install link it will tell you the time dnld and installed.

I guess you could randomly check to see if there is a big discrepency between your wrkstations.

If you can code vbs you can use the registry to find the install date under HKLM--Software--Microsoft--Windows--Uninstall--KB931836--install date.

Since it has been over a week since the DST patches were applied, would it be smart to run the /ONLYCREATEDPREPATCH switch and set it for a date like 2/28?

By setting it for that date, I assue it would update all appts before 2/28 and not touch the ones added from 3/1 on?

Any input?
Its suppose to and on some of my tests it seemed to work but I have a few that didn't and read a few threads with the same result.

Just run some tests on a small group of mailboxes.
Yes, Daveyd123, that is correct.

Also, if you are running WSUS, the DST patch was included in a rollup, so it's not listed with the same patch KB number. That's a pain, and I haven't bothered to find out what rollup it was.

I've been using this script on my networks to find out when the clients got the patch, and then I've been using the /ONLYCREATEDPREPATCH switch in a judicious way that ignores appointments created after most of the clients were patchd.

Here's my walkthrough:

And here's the script I've used for checking patchlevels:
' NAME: <CheckForDSTFix.vbs>
' Author: Dave Shackelford
' DATE  : 3/05/2007
' COMMENT: This script cycles through a list of computers
' in a local text file (c:\hostlist.txt, list them in a single column) and
' uses WMI to determine whether the DST patch is installed. Only applies
' applies to W2003/XP systems

Option Explicit

Dim strComputer
Dim objWmiService
Dim wmiNS
Dim wmiQuery
Dim objItem
Dim colItems
Dim txtfile
Dim objFSO
Dim objTextFile

Const ForReading = 1
txtfile = "c:\hostlist.txt"

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (Txtfile, ForReading)

Do Until objTextfile.AtEndofStream

strComputer = objTextFile.Readline

wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
wmiQuery = "Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & wmiNS)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)

For Each objItem in colItems

If objItem.HotFixId = "KB931836" Then
WScript.Echo "CSName: " & objItem.CSName
WScript.Echo "Description: " & objItem.Description
WScript.Echo "FixComments: " & objItem.FixComments
WScript.Echo "HotFixID: " & objItem.HotFixID
WScript.Echo "InstalledBy: " & objItem.InstalledBy
WScript.Echo "InstalledOn: " & objItem.InstalledOn
WScript.Echo "ServicePackInEffect: " & objItem.ServicePackInEffect
End If

Save it to a something.vbs file, create a hostlist.txt file populated with your workstation names, then run the script at the commandline using cscript.

Shackelford Consulting
Cool..thansk for the script. I'll give it a try.

So the correct code for the .ini file would be...

CommandLine = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Office Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool\TZMOVE.EXE /q /ONLYCREATEDPREPATCH:2007-03-01T12:00:00Z
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