I have an HP 4000 that is dropping the network connection to the mail server (resides in different vlan) in our student vlan. I confirmed that by using the ping test from the diag menu within the switch and from each of the vlans on that switch. I'm running C_09_19 firmware on the switch and usually telnet into it rather than configuring it from the serial connection. I can't figure out how to turn on the ip helper on that switch or turn off lacp (running routing on my core HP 5308 and then ip helper from my outlying switches). I have assigned different subnets to each of my vlans and the vlan on this particular switch is on a different subnet than the mail server. That's why I think I need to turn on ip helper. Can you do that on a 4000? I can see where the connections are toggling on and off also. I know how to turn off lacp on my HP 4108's and 2560's but can't quite figure it out on this older switch. When I drop out to the cli, it won't let me switch into the config mode. It just makes me go straight into one of the vlans. Guidance is appreciated in this matter and I hope I was descriptive and clear stated the problem at the same time. Thanks in advance.