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May 26, 2002
I've trying to solve this problem for another user.

STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000001)

The system is a Celeron 1300 with 128MB of RAM & 40 GB HDD. The problem happens infrequently, but always online when opening certain websites. The OS has been completely reinstalled, but the problem continues. Windows Updates have been done, but did not help.

Most indications are that it is a driver problem, but how can I narrow down or identify the problem driver with no file or driver name info in the error?

Any help would be appreciated.
Are you going on the Internet through a NIC card? If so look at updating the drivers for it.
I have had this exact problem in two different cases.

Computer #1. I flashed the BIOS and it fixed the problem.
Computer #2. I removed one of the RAM sticks and it fixed the problem - turns out the RAM was bad...

Should be enough to get you started Chris says: "It's time for a beer."
Please take out all the expansion cards and restart the sys and check if u get the error.if it doesnt come up...start putting the expansion card one by one and after putting one card restart the sys and check if u get the error.
if u get the error on any of the card.then check the card on another slot ...if it still has the problem then there could be a problem with that expansion card.
That's interesting gambler.

It happens consistantly on the machine I am dealing with when the user starts a new game on but otherwise he can join existing games with no problem.

He has also had it on some Chat websites.
Here is what microsoft says about it.

The Stop 0xD1 message indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers that have used improper addresses typically cause this error.

Interpreting the Message
This Stop message has four parameters:

Memory referenced.
IRQL at time of reference.
Type of access (0x00000000 = read operation, 0x00000001 = write operation).
Address that referenced memory.
Resolving the Problem
For additional troubleshooting suggestions that apply to all Stop errors, see "Stop Message Checklist" later in this appendix.

Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error. If so, contact the manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is especially important for backup programs, multimedia applications, antivirus scanners, DVD playback, and CD mastering tools.
For more information about Stop 0xD1 messages, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base link on the Web Resources page at Search using keywords winnt, 0x000000D1, and 0xD1.

updated and comaptiable drivers are very important when running XP. Check your hardware with the HCL If you hardware is not on the list it does not mean it won't work it just means it hasn't been tested by Microsoft and they won't Guarantee it to be compatible. If it not on the list check the manufacturer's website fo an up to date XP driver, if they don't have one you may be out of luck. This goes for motherboards and the bios too.
thanks for the info my friend it was really helpful.i suggessted it because when i had it i just took out the expansion cards and it was all fine.:)
I've had a similar stop error message as rwise 2112 started this thread with the technical info being
Stop: 0x000000D1 (0x00000028,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xFC406663)

acpi.sys-AddressFC406663 base at FC3FC000
Datestamp 3b7d8550

In my problem the situation is that I'm Trying to install
Windows XP Pro in a clean install situation on new HDD's
both SCSI and IDE. Hardware is Gigabyte GA-6BXDU with 750 Mg of DIMMS PC100( tried various sticks in various slots and even some 250 Mg of Dimms PC66 similarly after setting J6 and Dip switches to match),Two Intel Pentiumm III 450 Mhz Processors,ATI 7500 64Mg dvi dual Graphics card(tried
others such as Trident 1Mg ISA,Sparkle SIS 8Mg,ATI 128 Rage Pro 32 Mg and some more),Pioneer DVD-Rom IDE and others including SCSI, Maxtor 40Gb IDE HDD(tried others too and SCSI HDD.
My problem arises as Setup says along the bottom of blue screen "Setup is loading Files" changes to "Setup is Starting Windows" and stalls at this instance, so it is not easy updating drivers, etc with no O.S. installed.I don't know how to interprate this tech. info so I'm stuck here.
I've the exact same MOBO and working perfectly with exact same cards,memory etc in another computer so I'm a bit perplexed by this.
Any help forthcoming would be greatly appreciated and very educational-Yours Thankfully Billy
thanks all for the helpful posts so far; I've been having this issue as well. I've also received other BSOD's with different names, and I think I can see now that the issue is being caused by a driver accessing memory which it's not supposed to be. I also got a PAGE_FAULT_IN_A_NON_PAGED_AREA, but I did a check on my RAM for 12 hours with only positive results, so I believe it's a driver, not my RAM.

My question is this- now that I'm pretty sure that the problem is "a driver", how do I go about narrowing things to figure out which driver is bad?

For me, like for other people, I get this bug when playing online applet-based java games (at Yahoo! for me). I'm running XP Pro.

I heard about the "Driver Verifier Manager" tool (WINDOWS\system32\verifier.exe), but haven't found too much documentation about it; apparently it's supposed to be used for driver writers to make sure that their drivers are good. I think it can be used by consumers too, but perhaps someone might know how? (Or, perhaps, knows that it can't be used?)

Thank you all for the help. Liam Morley
"light the deep, and bring silence to the world.
light the world, and bring depth to the silence."
I've had all the above problems. I flashed and upgraded the bios and seemed to help for a short while, but then it happened again, and much more frequently.

I finally broke down and took my PC to my favorite shop for help.

The problem was that my HEAT SINK FAN was not doing the job. That was replaced and my PC has been perfect ever since.
I have just spent the entire day trying to install xp.

The pc was win98 and something nasty happened and all the profiles disappeared, so I thought xp.

I had constant problems with the setup failing to read from the cd (Setup can't copy such and such a file) , so I swapped the cd and the disc, no difference. Eventually, the files read, then whilst still in setup, I got the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error and then a stop code (07, can't remember). Win98 installed ok, then blue screened.

I swapped the memory, and it all installed perfectly.

I think the whole thing got a bit cooked as I suspect the power supply fan was intermittant Peter Meachem
peter @ accuflight.com

At the run menu type sigverif this will give you a list of all the drivers on your system that are not signed by Microsoft. It is a safe bet that if the driver is signed by Microsoft, it is not the problem, try to find drivers that are certified by Microsoft. Check out to make sure your hardware is on the list. It may not be supported by windows xp. If the hardware is not list on the hcl check the MFG.
I heard about same problem twice & one important I noticed then was, stop error was appearing after downloading & installing windows update for windows XP. In device manager it shows bang(red X mark) beside network driver under network adapter.Under network adapter, some entries can also be seen related to WAN Miniport. We need to uninstall all the entries under network adapter, but the problem is it will not allow to do that. Even if network card is reseated, it gets loaded up again. So please help me to uninstall the entries under network adapter and install only network drivers.
I got the "not_less_or_equal" message, removed ZoneAlarm and the problem went away.
I have this problem as well. My BSOD seems to occur at the instant certain windows are closed. It doesn't seem to matter what program I'm closing either. One funny side-effect of this is that sometimes my browser (Netscape 7) will "reset" itself, loosing information such as home page and security settings, as well as logins\passwords I've asked it to remember. I think I have a bad set of nvidia drivers, as I updated them not long ago, and that timeframe approximately coincides with the start of my problem.
I get IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and PAGE_FAULT_IN_A_NON_PAGED_AREA, it seems that it's more likely to happen when I'm using Photoshop or games (i believe that's because they're using ram extensively).

The thing is that I haven't installed any hardware for at least half a year, and any software for at least a month. This started happening after I shipped my PC on a plane and it got a little bit crushed... it still works, but sometimes even if I don't do anything, the BSODs pop up.

I checked everything - removed all cards i could, tried another video card. I thought it may be overheating but I have a temperature sensor. Still, leaving the PC open doesn't help, though it reduces temperature by 10 C.

It looks like this is a physical problem - maybe a microcrack somewhere in the motherboard or RAM. One thing is definitely true - if I don't do anything on my PC it is a lot less likely to crash.
You can try this to check out your Ram.

Memtest86 is a thorough, stand alone memory test for x86 architecture computers. BIOS based memory tests are only a quick check and often miss many of the failures that are detected by Memtest86.

It is a small freeware program.
Hey lisnag (Billy),
How did you ever solve your problem, I'm having the exact same problem right now?

robdot, I can tell you how I solved the problem in the end. It turned out that the PC was indeed overheating, as I've read in some other threads. A new cooler solved the problem, and it never happened since then (almost a year).
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